Shopping expidition

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Olimpia's POV

In the end, James was the one who had proven to be the best driver. This however, did not mean he was any good. If anything, it simply proved just how terrible everyone else was.

"Whoops-a-daisies!" James exclaimed happily as he drove over a pothole. I held tight onto the side of the open roofed country car and looked wide-eyed at Remus and Sirius who were sitting in the back with me.

"When my father sent me here to keep me safe, I'm not sure he knew what he was getting me into." I murmured and Sirius barked a nervous laughter. I felt him twist slightly towards me in his seat and knew he was quite uncomfortable with James as a driver despite his wannabe-cool facial expression.

"Oh yeah, I tell you somethin', I think you'll understand." James began singing loudly.

"When I say that somethin', I want to hold your hand." Sirius joined in.

"I want to hold your ha-a-and" Remus and I started singing too.

Before soon, we arrived in the little village centre, where we had agreed to stop to buy some groceries before venturing off to the barn.

I felt a little queasy as I stumbled out of the car and had to grip onto Sirius once we all had tumbled out, though I had to admit that during the course of that short drive, James had improved.

"Alright. Dinner." Remus said and we peered around the small shop to look for inspiration.

"Pizza?" I suggested, not wanting to come up with anything more complicated.

"Yeah," The rest of the boys agreed, and we set about finding the necessary ingredients.

"Oi, Ollie, what do we need for the dough?" James asked, and the rest of them turned around, looking expectantly at me.

"What, I should know how to make dough 'cus I'm the girl, is that it?" I asked, crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow at the boys who looked suddenly sheepish.

"Well-" "No, but-" "We didn't mean-"

"Oh, stop blubbering. Flour, olive oil, yeast, salt, and sugar."

"What, really, sugar?" Sirius asked.

"No I just said sugar for fun," I replied sarcastically, "Yes, sugar."

They all then proceeded to walk around for those ingredients, as I strolled around picking out some other things, like blueberries, strawberries, and ingredients for a chocolate cake. I then picked out some pasta for tomorrow and stuff for pasta sauce, then salad ingredients for the day after. I'd learnt how to cook those nights when my father had been off on quests I wasn't allowed to join him on, though I really didn't want to put any effort into cooking these next days.

"Oh hello, Ollie!"

I looked up from the tomatoes to see Macy, holding a shopping basket in her arms and standing next to a boy around her age.

"Hey, Macy." I smiled, feeling more friendly than I had earlier that day.

"Doing some shopping, are you?" She smiled and I inwardly grimaced at the pointless question.

"Well, I sure am not milking the cow!"

She laughed and put her hand on the boy's arm, "Oh that's funny. Ollie, this is Bryan, I think you knew him from school too!"

I looked at the boy, and my stomach dropped, all friendliness draining out of me. Bryan was a tall, muscular boy with short blonde hair, blue eyes, and a nose which was slightly crooked, like it had once been broken.

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