Optimus x Male Reader

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I Hope You Like It
don't mind me adding my oc, and I didn't know if you wanted a mech or a male human, so I did a mech Cybertronian version. Tell me if you want me to do a human version 🫶🏻

Note: I haven't done writing in ALONG time, so pls give me mercy if it's bad 🙏🏼😅

Description: You and my OC Alex are on a team fighting on earth's moon when the Decepticons attack and you end up coming across Team Prime

Y/n: Your Name
L/n: Last Name
N/n: Nickname
Your [P.O.V]

"Y-Y/n... Alex wake up" I heard someone shouting my name over the sounds of gunshots as I felt someone slap my face "Y/N WAKE UP" I quickly shot up as I saw my friends face "Alex what's going on why are you bleeding" I grabbed her hand as she offered to help me up "Decepticons have found us the team have been spread out" I picked up our supplies "Can you track them down" "there's not much I can do Y/n I'm not Cybertronian your Species is hard to get a proper location on, as I can see the only option is to evacuate the current members that's closes to us so we can get off this forsaken moon" she growled as I saw her chop down another decepticon coming our way "DECEPTICONS ATTACK" my Optics widen as I heard megatron's voice "WHAT THE ***** IS HE DOING HERE" I grabbed Alex's hand and bolted away from the Decepticons

Alex's P.O.V [At the Ship]
Y/n ran us fast as he could as he tried to hold onto me us much as he could until I heard the sound of a gun and went to look at who it was untill it was to late and felt a piercing pain in my right arm. I looked down to my arm and saw that it had been completely obliterated "ALEX FRAG say with me Alex" I felt y/n lift me up as I heard more gunshots "Quick get her into the ship we'll patch her up in the" I breathed in heavy  as I felt the pain start to come threw the shock and cried out in pain as I passed out shortly after

[Days Later]
I started to come to when I was blinded by lights "Oh Thank The gods your still alive" I groaned as I moved my head out of the way "w-w-what the hell happened and why is my throat sore as hell" the light was removed from my face "you've been asleep for days here take this" I was given a cup as I took sips of the liquid and felt much better "where's the others" I groaned in pain as I sat up as I saw the Doctors sad face and raised and eyebrow in confusion "Alex Dear they didn't make it the Decepticons had gotten to then before we could get to them we still have sensors going to see if we can track them" I put my hands over my face "lucky for us Can Head hasn't gotten to the bodies so they can't do their little freaky experiments on our kind" "James that's enough I highly doubt the Decepticons would bother with your kind anyway" James growled at the other crewmate "what the **** is that suppose you mean" "THAT'S ENOUGH" my head shot up as I heard Y/n's voice "James is this how you act around  your queen and C/m/n Behave Yourself if it wasn't for Alex and her team none of us would've gotten off that moon or even Cybertron and it's lucky any of us survived so stop trying to bring this team down and go do something that will help us if you can manage that"  I held back a smile as y/n looked at me and smiled "I'm glad your doing okay thought I'd lost you there" I smiled as he held my hand "Yo why don't you just sleep together" "pardon me" I laughed and groaned in pain "J-James Y/n isn't into girls as far as i know" James looked at Y/n "oh sorry mate didn't know"
y/n chuckled, "It's alright, and I'm bisexual, and we're in a war anyway," Y/n chuckled as he rubbed his back. "We all gotta have fun,"
"I mean he ain't lying" I winked at y/n joking around as his face turned a bright blue "you two are both wired as hell I'm outta here" both me and James laughed "were just joking mate waitttt hold on nooo" James laughed.

Your [P.O.V] - Hours Later -
I was looking through inventory when the ship AI spoke up. "Master L/n there seems to be an Autobot signal coming from the planet below shall I wake up Her Majesty"
I zipped up the bag "no I'll look at the scanners and notify her later" "Master L/n, are you sure that is a wise choice?" I started walking to the main part of the ship, "She's currently recovering from her injuries, and having only one arm is going to limit her" I opened the door to the crew panicking "Everyone calm down give me a status report" I crossed my arms "General there seems to be a signal coming from the planet below us" I walked over to the panel and looked to the flicking lights "have they been trying to contact us" "Yes they have and everyone is worried that the Decepticons will be able to find us the cloaking is not going to last long cause of the damages" I heard the doors slam open "Y/N L/N" I turned my head to see a very patched up Alex "why the hell didn't you tell me there was a Autobot signal coming from earth" I turned to face Alex "so you know the planets name" "of course I do what do you take me for I wouldn't try and steer you or my people to a planet infested with decepticons" "a planet you have no idea about and only learnt the name of it a couple minutes ago I didn't know our dear Queen could lie" she growled at me "don't get sassy with me N/n you could seriously get hurt" I rolled my Optics at her "your already hurt Y/n" "I CAN RECOVER" I frowned I never did like to see one of my best friends upset "Alex everything will be okay..." The ships Ai spoke up "Your Majesty theirs an incoming call coming from an unknown source their seems to be something covering the source do you want me to patch you threw or block the caller" I hid Alex behind me "everyone please leave James will call you back in when everything is safe" everyone started leaving and James stood by the door out of sight and Alex stood behind me "You can patch them threw now" we waited untill it finally came threw.

I'll definitely write a part two about this dont worry RuzaaanVanZyl

Transformers Prime One-Shots Book 2 (Slow Updates)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin