Boyfriend Rachet X Scared Injured Reader (Under Attack)

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Warning mention of murder violence and injuries if these trigger you or upset you don't read

~Your P.O.V~At Home~
I was upstairs in my room playing on my computer Rachet had just dropped me off and it was around 10:30, Mum let it go that I got home late because I told her I was doing homework and she knows I don't like getting home late either, i saved my work and got dressed into my pajamas when a sudden sound came off and I heard screaming, wait that's a gunshot, my sisters banged on the Door and I let them in, they ran into my room and I Slammed the door shut locking in, I Hushed them when I heard Footsteps,I looked to see where my little brothers were my twin baby brothers shit their not here, I pointed to my phone and they quietly gave me my phone, I quickly texted Rachet.

(Yay I did it I made a video and put the text Y/N did in the sttory and put it on YouTube so I can put it on here ]:<)

I kicked the man back when he went to attack me Agin "RUN GRILS GRAB YOUR BROTHERS" I kicked the guy off kicking his knife away Grabbing his gun and running outside running passed my Dead Dad "Shit ow" I had a gunshot wound and a stab wound on my Right side, I feel and turned around and Shot just as Rachet and the army well Flower showed up "Y/N" I threw the gun as Fowler Punched the guy "We need an Embulance" Rachet transformed "I can drive Faster" The Soilders Helpt me up and put me into Rachet "Please stay with me" I groaned and smiled "I-I L-Love Y-You R-Rachet" my vision started fading "No D-Don't Talk Like That" I smiled as everything went dark.

Cliffhanger sorry sory their will be a Part TWO okay by By.

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