Rachet X Stubborn Reader

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Description: a girl at School accidentally beats you up and you come to base or bruised up and a certain Mech Is worried about you but you are to stubborn

Warning: okay a girl confuses you 18
For someone else and 'accidentally' beats you up -_-

~Your P.O.V~After School~
I was walking out of school when Hannah suddenly pushed me down the stairs "What the hell Hannah" she kicked me in the stomach "Leave Brett alone" who the F**ks Brett "who the frick is Brett" she looked at me like an idiot "wat 0_0" "-_-" "Brett Favre" "like his my X-Boyfriend I hate him" "woooooo who we beating up this time" Hannah helpt me up "I'm Sorry about that" I shrugged its all good" she smiled rubbing her neck and walked away (Brah What 😐) "meh whatever" I got onto my bike ignoring the fact that I look like shit now.

~At Base~
I drove into base when Miko ran down and noticed the Cuts and bruises "are you okay Y/N" I took off my helmet and she gasped "Yea I'm all good" Rachet walls over "Y/N who did this to you" I chuckled "A Girl named Hannah thought I was hitting on Brett Favre so she threw me down the steps then I told her he was my X-Boyfriend and She apologized an did moved on"Rachet offered his servo to me and I got on "let me help you" "nah I'm fine" "-_- Y/N" "I'm fine Rachet" he glared at me and we kept going on na Don when June forced me to sit down until she finished patching me up "I don't know how you handle her Rachet" ":3 he loves me XP" Rachet blushed as I got on his servo, I told Rachet to bring me closer, he Hesitated but did it anyway and I kissed "Luv ya Rachie~" Rachet's while face turned Red "ILoveyouto" I smirked "What was that" I knew what he said and he knew I heard him So he walked away From the others "I Love you to are you happy now" I smiled brightly "Very" I smiled at him.

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