47. Spiral

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     Fight or flight.


Flight. So disgusted, I literally wanted to vomit. No one wants to see their mother "in position", especially when she was bending over for the wrong man.

Before I could even figure out where I was going, my back was slammed into a wall. Bonnie stood in front of me, one hand on my chest, one finger in my face, telling me to calm down. We were in the hall near the dining room, and its dimmed light allowed me to see a titty pop out of her robe.

"Please get off of me."

"Listen," she and her cherry nail warned, "ain't nobody tell you to come up in that room and-"

"You were in Prince's-"

"Hush," she warned through her teeth. "Don't be so loud, okay, I'm sorry and you know I love your father but-"

"Oh please." I tried to walk off but she shoved me again and that time, I shoved her back, just barely on natural instinct, but it earned a nice smack across my face.

"Listen to me, Amira." She roughly grabbed my arm to assure I faced her but frustrated, I pushed her so hard her ass kissed the tile floor.

Right on impact to her rescue, here comes uncle Roy in his boxers and tube socks. "The fuck wrong with you, girl?!" he said picking her up. "Don't you ever put hands on yo' momma like that! You hear me!?"

Looking at him like he was crazy, I stood my ground. Tall, fat and all, he didn't scare me one bit. "Get out."


With one hand holding the bottom of my sundress, the other was pointing west. "You need to leave."

Bonnie stood between us as he screamed and I directed him where to go. She was telling him to exit left too, her trembling hands on his bare chest. "Just get out, Roy. You gon' wake everybody up." But he was acting like he wanted to fight me for interrupting his fucking.

"You're a scumbag!" I shouted. "Jesus, your brother is upstairs!"

"You gon respect your elders, you hear!?"

My heart crumbled to my stomach as he tangled my hair around his fist and my feet left the floor.

"You hear me?!" he shook, crushing my chin with his other hand, spitting in my face as he reprimanded me for not "minding my manners".

Bonnie's hits did nothing, like a squirrel to an oak tree. But I tried freeing myself by kneeing his balls.

Roy chucked me to the floor like a bag of garbage. And before he could counterattack, a shirtless Prince was suddenly there, swinging a long black stick aimed for my uncle's head.

"No!" Bonnie screamed as Roy caught the first blow in his blocking wrist. The second hit his shoulder and got caught. Blood was drawn as Prince ripped it out of his skin and the third bash was missed due to my interference.

"Stop!" I pulled Prince back but my hands kept slipping. "Please, stop!" My arms locked around his torso, because he wasn't going to quit, and if he kept swinging that iron stick at my uncle, there'd be murder on our hands.

"Ay!" Lights were flicked on and a stampede was coming down the stairs.

I felt Prince's strength as he easily removed my hold and escaped me. Tossing the fire pit piece, he tackled Roy and balled his fist. Prince got him in the mouth twice before Roy found some will. All of a sudden Prince was gliding down the hall like a bowling ball.

𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐝, 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐁𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now