11. Candy Apple Treat

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So I'm in ur house 4 the very 1st time. Just 11 days after our awkward 1st hello. Still feels like an eternity.

Ur home is mind blowing. It's the biggest one I've ever been in. But it's not all bachelor pad like I thought it'd be. I seriously was expecting like...guitars up on the wall and a mechanical bull in ur living room or something. And stacks of liquor behind a bar somewhere. But nope. It's truly a home.

I love the décor in each room. They all have their own spice. U amaze me time and time again. Perfection surrounds u. It's kind of intimidating at times, because I'm flawed in many ways. But if we're meant 2 be, I guess u'll be able 2 see past it.

I wanted 2 stay the night with u in ur room. But I was 2 afraid 2 ask. U seem moody. I doubt it's because of me. I can't think of anything I did wrong. Unless u're mad I went 2 work tonight. Oh!

     The Paisley kidnapping and workday that followed delayed my Dear Prince diary time. So sitting in new scenery, I backtracked in my journal, recounting the special night I had with him. Writing away, I couldn't stop smiling.

Prince left me in a fancy guest room on the ground floor. The color scheme was of cream and gold, the furniture all mirrored. The bed was super comfy, and full of so many embroidered-tasseled pillows, I had to set them neatly on the floor to make room for myself. At that point, I was jumping up and down on the bed, aging down to a five-year-old. Can't remember the last time I was able to do that. Or even had a reason to. Despite Prince's off behavior, I was still in a great mood.

Do the butterflies ever go away?

I'm not even in ur direct presence and I still feel all giddy inside. I love the way u make me feel. I just wish I could act on it. I wish that elevator ride was longer. Would I have felt ur lips if it wasn't 4 Mrs. Elsie popping in?

U told me u don't have a girlfriend. But u're a grown man. A very wanted one. I know u're messing around. And I know I'm not ready 4 sex. I'm not ready 4 that at all. But I still want 2 be close 2 u.

Would it be terrible if I kissed u? Now?

I know taking it slow is best. But the attraction between us is no secret. I can tell the elevator was a slip-up. And u feel kinda bad. Maybe it's the age difference that scares u? I hope not.

It's past 4 AM and literally all I can think about is...the elevator.


I'm going upstairs 2 ur room. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna kiss u.

Dim lighting blazed throughout the house, making it easy to maneuver my way up to his room. Standing there in the hall, I took a few deep breaths, patting down imaginary wrinkles in my pink thermals. A bright glow spilled over my fuzzy socks from underneath the door, so I know he was up doing something.

Hesitantly, I knocked three times.

"What's up?"

"Hey. Can I come in?" A few heart-jumping seconds passed...then a couple more. And then...

𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐝, 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐁𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now