18. Like Old Times

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Dear Prince,

I don't have any tapes 2 send u but because we can never really talk on the phone 4 more than 5 minutes I decided 2 write. Like old times 😊

I'm missing u like its been 10 years! I hope u come back soon. Ur employees are out of control when u're away. Especially Celeste. We kind of got into it earlier. She asked me what was going on between us. She figures it's more than "work" and I let her know not 2 worry about me. That's when she went off about u sleeping around with this girl and that girl. She says u're having urself a good time in California.

Obviously when u told me u were working with Analia and had all your "girls" over there with u I was worried. But until u give me reason not 2, I choose 2 trust u. I refuse 2 fear the idea of us based on ur past or a reputation.

Oh...and Celeste fired me! At first it was comical. But now it's not sitting right with me. And I'm not telling u this so u can go and fire her. Please don't fire her! Things got heated in a matter of seconds when she told me something about u and her...I won't quote what she said but she threw the idea of u and her once being involved. If so, I really don't care. But she said I should because we're family and I yelled and told her I don't have any family. That's when she fired me.

When I was 16 and first met her, she really treated me like a little sister. I'm happy u encouraged me 2 ask her about taking me in. Even though it hurt when she said no at first because she was moving 2 Virginia, I was happy 2 see her come 2 my rescue when she got that new job. She didn't have 2 come get me and tell me she was staying in Minnesota but she did. I moved in with her and her boyfriend and he HATED having me there. We never got along. So it was truly a sacrifice. But as soon as I turned 18 it was like her love 4 me had expired. I was a high school student looking 4 my own apartment. She wanted me out as soon as possible and it didn't become possible until after I graduated and could work full time. She wanted me 2 move 2 New York (and still does) because I expressed interest in Berklee but there was no way I could afford that type of move nor school. I wanted 2 stay in Minnesota so I did. And I'm happy I did.

My point here is...she hasn't felt like "family" in almost 2 years now. Her attitude drastically changed last year. I appreciate all the favors. She still helps me out with my bills and of course got me into Paisley Park. But only God knows how hard I try 2 be financially independent. I HATE asking her 4 anything. That's why I was so angry with u. I don't want u paying my bills. I need 2 make my own money. I can't depend on others my whole life. Being that I had this new job I was finally going 2 be able 2 pay my own bills again but u brought me a step back.

Celeste is hot and cold. The last time I asked her 2 borrow money she tried 2 get me out with Ian 4 it. Then she gave it 2 me anyway because she probably still feels obligated. I just don't want 2 ask her 4 anything. U're gonna have 2 accept me finding another second job or double my pay.

U have a reputation 4 selling dreams 2 the young and beautiful and that was the basic point Celeste was trying 2 make. She told me 2 take what I can learn and 2 NEVER sign anything with u. U're good 4 nothing but "empty promises." But I don't completely buy it. I've seen women shine from under u, so bright they've stolen moments on ur stage. And I've watched u praise them. It's sad that the relationships didn't always end well because that's the only part people seem 2 remember. Now u're the bad guy, when in reality we wouldn't know these women if it weren't 4 u.

The world may come 2 know "Aivy" Valentine but that's only if I'm by ur side (why do u spell my name like this?!). I truly don't believe I could do music without u. Or even dance. It feels like this is where I belong. With u. I'm happy we've found each other. I'm not worried about a bad ending 2 our story because we're living out a fairytale.

𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐝, 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐁𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now