Chapter 4

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Hyperion Heights...

Clary, Jacinda and Sabine were walking down the street looking for jobs to help Clary get to see Lucy's ballet, "How would you like to build a house out of reclaimed straw? This app sucks. I'm just wasting your time," Sabine said.

"It's okay. You did the best you could... Both of you," Clary said.

Jacinda was looking at her phone, "Wait. Wait. Wait. You must have a fairy godmother somewhere because the perfect job just got posted," Jacinda said as she showed her the job.

"A catering gig... At the ballet," Clary said as she smiled.


At the ballet, Clary, Jacinda and Sabine were wearing their uniform for the recital, "Thanks so much for coming on short notice, these last minutes are gonna kill me. Uh, you do have catering experience, right?" Remy asked.

"Of course," Jacinda said.

"Tons," Sabine said.

"No doubt," Clary said.

"Great. Here are the new bartenders, they'll et you up," Remy said.

Clary, Jacinda and Sabine turned to see Henry and Bradley walking up, "Hey, there," Henry said.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" Clary asked.

"Mom got me this job, the twins help the dancers... I serve while she sits and watches," Bradley said.

"Well, you do get up to a lot of mischiefs, Bradley," Jacinda said.

"I do not," Bradley said.

"Yeah, you do," The three women said and he scoffed, looking away.

"I'm just trying to help. Look, I used to work a lot of serving gigs, so a friend sent me here and I convinced a really nervous caterer that he needed a second bar," Henry said.

"And let me guess, you generously offered to bartend," Clary said.

"As long as he let me hire the servers," Henry said.

"Wow, that is a weirdly impressive move," Sabine said.

"I'll say," Jacinda said and Clary looked at them and they shrugged.

"I feel terrible for separating you two," Clary looked back at Henry, "I'm just trying to make up for it. Hey, look, after tonight, you never have to see me again. I promise," Henry said.

"Fine. You get this one, Henry Mills," Clary said.

"Did she just..." Bradley said.

"Uh-huh..." Sabine said.

"Impostor," Jacinda said and Clary rolled her eyes, with a smile as she shook her head.

Mill's Apartment...

With Adam, Daisy, Detective Rogers and Detective Weaver, they broke into the Mill's apartment, "How do you like my search warrant?" Detective Rogers asked as he turned on the light bulb in the middle of the room.

"Not a bad start, let's see how you go on," Detective Weaver said.

The four detectives started to look around the apartment. Adam walked past the bathroom, he looked at the closed door and noticed the light at the bottom of the door but he walked back into the living room, "Nothing, zero dirt on them," Adam said.

"Use your eyes, not your hands and look at what you missed," Detective Weaver said as he held up a child's book and pointed to a doll on the shelf.

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