Chapter 27

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Roni and Samdi were walking along the waterfront, arms linked together, "You know, I usually go for the pizza at Bella Notte," She looked at him, "But that chowder was incredible," Roni said.

"It was made for days like this," Samdi said as they turned to each other and Roni smiled.

"It was made for days like this," Samdi said as they turned to each other and Roni smiled

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"I'm glad we did this, Regina. There's something I want to tell you," Samdi said.

Kelly walked up, "Aha! We knew it!" Kelly said.

Emily ran over, "Sorry, Roni, she wouldn't stop," Emily said.

"He just called you, Regina. He is awake. And this isn't 'business', this is a date! With him?!" Kelly said.

"Nice to see you again, Roni, Emily," Samdi said.

"Oh, shut up with your Kelly's, and Emily's. You know who we are Facilier," Kelly looked at Roni, "Why would you two lie to me?" Kelly asked.

"Not my date," Emily said.

"Because I'm a full-grown woman and I don't have to tell my sister everything," Roni said.

"Why don't I give the three of you some space to figure this out?" Samdi said.

"Oh, no, no, no, no. They were just leaving," Roni said.

"No, we weren't," Kelly said.

"I was planning on it," Emily said.

"You're not helping," Kelly said.

"I'm sorry..." Emily said as she looked away.

"Call me later, Regina," He kissed her cheek, "Zelena, Rose Red... Always a pleasure," Samdi said as he walked away.

 Always a pleasure," Samdi said as he walked away

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"Kelly this wasn't a date," Roni said.

"Been trying to tell her that," Emily said.

"You said it was a few moments ago," Kelly said.

"Yeah, to annoy mom," Emily said.

"It was a distraction," Roni took out her phone, "Lucy and Lizzie are in his apartment right now doing recon," Roni said as she looked at her phone and started typing.

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