Chapter 29

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Back at Flynn's Barcade, Henry was still trying to beat the game with Adam and Detective Rogers behind him.

"Ah! God," Henry said.

"Now, you've got two good hands and I still did better than that," Detective Rogers said.

"Ohh, hey," Henry turned to him, "Thanks for sticking around, I needed this," Henry said.

"No problem. Well, the real question is have you accomplished what you set out to do?" Detective Rogers asked.

"Well, if we're talking high scores, then no, but if we're talking about forgetting an adorably frustrating, yet underdog, endearing single mom then still no. I just... I just can't tell if Clary and I are meant for each other anymore," Henry said.

"Someone smart once told me sometimes wandering a different path takes you to where you need to go," Detective Rogers said.

"What does that mean?" Henry asked.

Nick and Johnny came over with water and beer, "It means there are plenty of women in this bar who would find your whole John Hughes outlook charming," Johnny said as he sat at the table with the others.

"It's time to see what fate has in store for you," Adam said as he picked up a beer.

"And how do you gentlemen propose I do that?" Henry asked.

"Simple, you're gonna walk up and ask out the next woman who comes into the bar," Nick said.

Henry started shaking his head asDetective Rogers looked at Henry, "Yep," Detective Rogers said with a smile.

Henry started shaking his head asDetective Rogers looked at Henry, "Yep," Detective Rogers said with a smile

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"You don't get an opinion, just because you're dating my sister," Henry said.

"It's because of that I'm saying that," Detective Rogers said as Adam chuckled.

"I... Alright. You know what? You guys might see me crash and burn, but I'll do it. Next woman who walks through that door is getting asked out by Henry Mills," Henry said.

Adam, Detective Rogers, Johnny and Nick look at the door and Henry turned around. They saw a shadow of a figure about to enter Flynn's Barcade.

They saw Clary walking in, "Come in Grace, open up more," Clary said.

"No thank you, I don't fancy repeating myself about seeing that prick," Grace said as she walked in behind her

"You're no fun," Clary said and she looked at Henry and they smiled.

"Aww you two should get married," Grace chuckled, "I'm getting a drink," Grace said as she walked over to the bar.

"Grace?" Detective Rogers called out and went to stand up as Adam walked over to her.

Adam placed his hand on her back, "Gracie?" She looked at him, "Hey, what's wrong?" Adam asked as Grace hugged him and he returned the hug.

"He's back," Grace whispered.

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