Chapter 17

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Hyperion Heights...

Adam, Detective Rogers and Daisy go to Detective Weaver's storage locker and Detective Rogers set off the fire alarm to open the electronically locked door and the two walked inside.

"Find anything that can be used as dirt or something," Detective Rogers said.

"Got it," Daisy and Adam said.

The three detectives started to look around the items in the storage locker, "So, Daisy what we're you doing with Johnny?" Adam asked.

"Uh, oh, uh. Nothing," Daisy said.

"Uh-huh?" Adam said.

Detective Rogers found a hook hand in an evidence bag.

Daisy found a sword in a case that she used, "What the hell is all of this stuff?" Daisy asked

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Daisy found a sword in a case that she used, "What the hell is all of this stuff?" Daisy asked.

"I don't know," Detective Rogers put the hook hand back and he spotted a box with files, he took out the files.

"Looks likes he's a collector or something," Adam looked around, "Typical Dark One," Adam muttered.

"Dod you say something?" Daisy asked.

"Nothing," Adam said.

"Adam, Daisy," Detective Rogers said and they walked over to him and they saw that the files were on the citizens of Hyperion Heights.

"Adam, Daisy," Detective Rogers said and they walked over to him and they saw that the files were on the citizens of Hyperion Heights

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"What are you doing, Weaver?" Detective Rogers asked.

"Definitely collecting something..." Daisy said.

"But what?" Detective Rogers said.


David and Emily were searching her old shared bedroom for the rose choker but couldn't find it, "I used to hide it," Emily said as she walked over to her vanity.

David sat on the small couch in the room, "Rose?" She hummed as she crouched down, looking under the vanity, "How bad would it be if you didn't find it?" David asked.

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