chapter eighteen

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"Muum! Mummyyyy!!" I yelled as I entered the house

"Will you stop shouting? Instead of you to say salam before entering" my mum scolded

"Ok salam alaikum. Mum you aren't gonna believe this. Guess what?" I rushed my words grinning widely

"Uhmm.... A teacher ask for your hand in marriage?" She guessed smiling

"Eww no mum noo! God forbid! Eww that's embarrassing" I shouted and we both burst out laughing.

"Maya talked to her dad and he fuc..." I shut up almost saying the f word

"He agreed mum. He agreed" I said hugging her

"Kice Allah" she said with a huge smile

"Wallahi" I said and she hugged me back

"Alhamdulillah. I will tell your dad immediately he comes back" she said rocking me. She finally released me and I run upstairs to tell my mini diary, and by that, I mean uncle Haroon

He congratulated me and he promise to come a week before graduation.

My dad called me to his room later in the evening.

"Ummul Khair, your mum told me about what your friend did for you. I appreciate that but you know human beings can't be trusted these days" my dad explained

Oh no! This shouldn't come up. It could ruin my opportunity.

"Daddy,mum knows the girl and she is like a sister to me. I know humans can't be easily trusted but seriously Sumayya is not like that" I said trying to change his mind on this negative things he's thinking

"I would like to talk to the man or if possible, meet him in person" my dad said

"Toh I will ask the girl if her dad has any free chance to meet you" I said

Since my dad has concluded that he wanted to meet Maya's dad, then definitely, he has agreed.

I'm literally screaming with joy inside my mind now

"Toh you can go. Good night" my dad dismissed me

"Thank you. Good night" I said shutting the door behind me

"I will ask him. But if he don't have time, here's his number" Maya said writing her dad's number on a piece of paper after I told her about my encounter with my dad.

I collected it and thanked her

As my dad came back from work, I gave him the number and he dialed it immediately.

I left him alone before he would say I  don't have manners and will not allow me to go to outside university.

I went to the kitchen and started licked icing sugar that I want to use for cake that I'm learning to bake.

Hmm. This thing is so sweet

I licked it to the extent that it spoilt my mouth. I will clean it later

"Ummul Khair!" My dad called from the parlour

"I'm coming"I said

God of mercy! What will I do now? My mouth is a mess

I looked for tissue paper or napkin but I just couldn't find it.

My dad yelled again and I know better than to allow him to call me for the third time

Now I believe in the fact that says 'you find it when you don't need it. You can't find it when you need it'

I gave up and decided to clean my mouth with my shirt and I realise its too short. I looked around the kitchen to make sure no one is watching and I did the most dumbest thing my brain could come up with

I moved close to the kitchen curtain and clean my mouth with it. Dumb right? I know

At least I have my mouth cleaned. I turned around just to bump into my mum

Holy fried chicken. I am dead. I'm over

I hope she didn't see that. Oh myself!

" ooookk,so you are the one dirtying my curtains ko? That is why I saw my rooms curtain always dirty" my mum yelled

But....but this is the first time I'm doing this.

"Go talk to your dad and come and meet me" my mum said and left the kitchen

Oh no

I met my dad and he told me that he will talk to Maya's dad tomorrow and I said ok. I went to my mum's room thinking of all the possible things she could do to me.

"Ehh ehn. How can you be this big and still have small sense? There is napkin in the kitchen for you to use and apart from that, can't you use your hand to clean your mouth then wash the hand? This girl you are sooo stupid" my mum scolded but I can't even say anything

"Now what you have to do is wash all the curtains in this house. And by all,I mean all" my mum told me

I'm officially a tortured maid. Whyyy?!!
It is too much too wash

"But mum, two in my room,two in yours,two in dad's, four in parlour, four in the guest rooms and two in the kitchen making it sixteen curtains to wash. Pls" I pleaded and she eyed me. By that eyeing,she meant keep quiet and get out.

I stood up and ran to my room. I told uncle Haroon and Maya. The two idiots laughed at me telling me they would bring their curtains for me to wash.

As I came back from school, I removed my uniform, prayed and eat. Now I have to wash those damn curtains just because of a little mistake. Damn it

I washed and washed with my mum constantly telling me 'well done' or 'great job' and the thing is actually annoying and there is nothing I could do about it

I washed for 2hours straight without taking a break. I finished and collapsed on my bed vowing that no matter how dirty my mouth is, I would never ever clean it with the curtain as long as I'm in this house.

That was a big lesson for my life.


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