chapter fifty nine

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Third person's POV

"Mama! Mama!" Khair shouted as she rushed inside the house dropping her suitcase in the living room.

She kept calling her mum's name but the woman wasn't answering. She looked for her mum in all the possible places she could be in but still couldn't find her.

"Maybe she's in dad's room?" She asked herself.

'But assuming she was,she would have answered me.' She thought

"Lemme just check dad's room." She decided and walked to her dad's room.

She didn't bothered knocking because she knew her dad won't be around.

'His car wasn't in the house.' That signified that he wasn't around.

She opened the door and she stood still in surprise.

Her parents were praying together.

Such a beautiful sight.

Suddenly feeling shy,Khair closed the door and ran to her mother's room.

She sat on the bed blushing. She started making different scenarios in her head of her and Ahmad prayer together.

"Gosh!" She whispered and covered her face smiling like a goner.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Came a voice.

Khair quickly removed her palms from her face.

"Mama!" She called smiling brightly then rushed to her mother and enveloped her in a tight hug.

Assuming that surgery she did back in SF was unsuccessful, that means she can never be able to see her mother again.

That thought alone made her hugged her mother tighter.

"Okay okay. It's enough like that." Her mother said pulling away from Khair's tight grip.

"I just missed you so much mama." Khair admitted.

"And when did that one start?" Her mother looked at her weirdly.

"What? I can't miss my mother again?" Khair looked confused.

"No. You calling me mama,when did it start?"

"Oh." Khair laughed. "I just thought 'mum' sounded childish,so mama it is."

"Toh. Big girl." Her mum joked.

And a joyful conversation started between the duo.

Out of nowhere,Khair hugged her mum again.

"What is happening?" Her mother asked.

"I just thought I won't be able to see you again you know,before the surgery,when my mind was thinking about all the negativities and possibilities of the surgery going wrong. But here I am today,seeing you perfectly well." Khair said exactly what on her mind with tears filled in her eyes.

"You will always be fine my baby. No evil shall harm you insha Allah." Her mother prayed tears filling up her eyes too.

"I..." Khair started but suddenly burst into tears.

Her mum drew her closer putting Khair's head on her bosom,tears already streaming down her face.

"Now why are you crying?" Her mother asked,her words choked up.

"I should be asking you that too. You're also crying." Khair chuckled in between tears.

"And we actually don't know the exact reason for the cries." Her mum added and the both laughed sadly.

My bestieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें