Chapter fifty one

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Normally, people would have said they fluttered their eyes open and shut it back because of the bright light in the room but in my case,it was different.

I struggled to open my eyes and when I finally did,I saw nothing but darkness. I used my fingers to feel my eyes and they were opened.

Am I blind?

That's the questioned that ran through my mind. I panicked.

I closed my eyes and opened them repeatedly but all I saw was darkness with no sign of light at all.

This can't be!

And I broke down in sobs. What have I ever done to Smith to deserve this? If I did something to him unknowingly,he should have told me to apologize to him and I will without thought.

I roamed my hands on my body in search of purse or phone but I couldn't find any. It was just me,my cloth and my veil.

I got up and walked as slowly as possible to find the nearest wall. I was walking but couldn't find any wall. Am I in a forest or something?

My leg hit something and I quickly bent down to pick it. I spun the thing around and felt every part of it but I couldn't tell what it was.

"Its a dead vulture." A voice from nowhere said and I immediately released the thing and crawled backward.

"Who are you? And where am I?" I whispered cos I didn't know where my loud voice went. I was waiting for a reply but I got none.

Was it just a random hunter? If he was,then he should've helped the poor me.

I slowly lied down and held my knees in serious sobs and I was just praying in my mind. But just why will smith dump me in a forest after making me loose my consciousness? I tried everything I could with my eyes but they were now less than useful.

Its official.

I'm blind and in forest.
I never knew how long I cried for but I just knew two things. I became blind instantly and I passed out from crying too much.

I tried opening my eyes again hoping to see light and I got just that only that the light was way too much that I have to close my eyes again.

Blinking few times trying to adjust to the bright light coming from where I was,I couldn't. It was just rays of flash light penetrating into my tired eyes.

Was I still blind? Was this different stages of blindness?

Firstly,I saw nothing but pitch black and now,just for me to open my eyes, all I saw was pure white.

I'm doomed.

But how was that even possible? It doesn't make any logical sense but considering I've got vision issues before,it might a reasonable meaning.

If this was how being blind felt,then I feel sorry for all the blind people in the world. Its so frustrating that you can't see a thing. Those people who were blind since birth, I wonder how they're coping and I prayed the Almighty return their sights as soon as possible.

I tried getting down from where I found myself lying down and that's when I noticed how soft that surface was. I roamed my hands around it and came to a conclusion that it was a super comfortable bed.


I got down from the bed and walked carefully so that I could grab anything. Anything at all. I  shivered immediately my feet touched the very cold tiles. I didn't mind it as I walked further.

"Geez girl. Where are you heading to?" Smith asked. I knew his stupid voice without seeing his useless face.

"Smith!" I gritted.

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