chapter sixty six

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Maya's POV

"Maya! Maya!" I heard Ayanda's voice and I jolted my head up.

I could faintly hear the policemen telling her to lower her voice but Ayanda didn't.

"Ayanda?" I called lowly.

"Oh my God Maya!" She shouted and ran to me. I stood up and ran to her also with the stupid cell bar separating us.

"Maya what did you do?" Ayanda asked disappointed. "Why did you do that? Almost killing your student? Because he asked you to be his val?" She added.

I huffed out and told her everything. She was just gasping each time I say anything.

"He's so stupid and senseless. Your teacher! That's disgusting!" She hissed.

"Thank you!" I said in all seriousness. A person that understands my point. The policemen asked me what happened,I told them but they looked like they didn't believe me

"But still, why will you let your anger take over you and beat someone's child to a pulp?" She asked and I gave her 'are you serious' look.

"He groped me!"

"You should have reported to the school!"

"They won't take action cos he's rich. And me I can't take such nonsense."

"If you...." She started but I interrupted her.

"Ayanda,all that does not concern me again. My own is that I'm hungry. Since morning,I haven't take anything and this is already 3oclock. I drained my energy in teaching that senseless boy lesson beside the smell in this jail isn't helping!" I groaned.

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Go home and cook for me or buy me food."

"Awwn princess."

"Sorry pls. I know they gave us food but I swear no human can eat it. A very dried rice that they just sprinkled oil on top and guess what they called it. Fried rice. Even the dog in my house can't eat that,tho I don't have dog but Ayanda you get my point right? Eating that is like poisoning yourself." I reasoned with her.

"Ok but you don't know one thing. They don't allow food to go to someone inside jail unless you pay." She stated.

"I don't understand. Someone brought food for that woman sitting there."

"Yeah because the person paid. 10 Rand for each thing passing through this bar. Food warmer, 10 Rand. Bottle of water, 10 Rand. 4 bottles of water, 40 Rand." She explained and my face automatically squeezed.

What a very cruel thing they are doing over here!

"Ok. Go to my house,you know where I keep my spare key. Go to the mirror, behind it,there's a hole in the wall. That's where I kept my first ever salary. Just buy food from the restaurant with the money and give the policemen the stupid 10 Rand so that I can eat."

"Sure okay." She said and went away. I sighed and dragged myself back to the bench. I looked at it disgusted before sitting on it.

"If you're not eating this rice, give me." One of the woman in cell with me ordered.

"Carry it and go." I said waving her off then burying my head in my palms.

"Give me." She repeated.

"Ahh ahn. I said you can take it. I'm not eating. Chop the food and the plate " I said annoyed.

"So you're expecting me to bend and pick it from the floor."


Before I could say anything again, a slap landed on my face making my head to tilt to the side.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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