Chapter fifty seven

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Sucking in deep breath,I opened my eyes widely.

I was still in that hospital room,that wall I was studying in front of me. I felt cold air on the side of my sweaty face.

Panicking, I stood up and looked at where the air was coming from.

"Khair are you okay?" Uncle Haroon said in pure worry.

I slowly stepped backward as my eyes widened more.

"Ok I should probably call a doctor." He said and rushed out.

I touched my body for any pain or injury but found none. I pinned myself against the wall calling Allah's name in my mind cos my mouth was refusing to move.

"Miss! Miss! Pls come and sit." A nurse said coming close to me.

"Don't touch me." I said in fear.

"Ma'am I have...." The nurse tried explaining but I kept shouting 'don't touch me'.

"I will have to call the doctor." I heard the nurse telling the worried uncle Haroon.

I started moving myself to the door so that I could escape from whatever was happening but uncle Haroon rushed to me and held me forcefully.

Tears started steaming down my face as I continuously begged him to leave my life alone.

The doctor came in with an injection in his hand and injected the liquid in my arm. I let out a very loud scream before everything got blurred and suddenly dark.
Maya's POV

"You have called me over twenty times and I already told you I'm on my way pls." I said in the phone through gritted teeth trying to keep my calm.

To be honest,I was still lying on my bed and I told her I was on my way.

Maybelle,that was her name. She was my only friend since I came to Las Vegas. She was the landlady of the small apartment I rented in and I got along with her cos she was full of vibes and fun.

I lazily got up and showered. I wore a casual T-shirt and a ripped jean. I put on a coat and applied my usual heavy make-up and wore my sneakers.

Giving myself a smile on the mirror, I took my bag and went out after locking my apartment.

"Gosh! How can it be this hot in autumn?!" I mumbled to myself annoyed.

Groaning, I walked back inside to keep my coat.

As I reached my doorstep,I heard my real name being called faintly. Based on the fact that I changed my name to Helen when I came to Las Vegas and that's what everyone there knew me with,I was surprised that someone knew my real identity here.

I turned around and saw no one.

I shrugged and kept my coat locking my apartment once again.

"MAYAA!" I voice shouted in my ears and I almost faint from how loud it was.

"Who the fu..." I started and turned around but no one was there.

Okay! What's happening?!

I heard "Zhhh....zhhh..zh" in both my ears and I have to cover them because of how disturbing the sound was.

"Maya!" A voice whispered. I got up frantically from my kneeling position and looked around.

I was still the only person standing in the apartment.

"What is that?! Who are you?" I yelled to no one.

Was I getting crazy?

"Maya listen to me!" The same voice said loudly and clearly.

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