chapter forty eight

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"I have something to tell you." Maya and I both said at the same time.

"OK you first." I said suppressing the grin that was about to spread across my face.

"No you first." She argued and I would have argued back if I wasn't too excited to tell her.

"Uncle Haroon is coming." I blurted out at the same time my grin spread out.

"What?seriously? How? When? Tell me everything. Oh my God, where's he going to stay? I'm too shy to face him. How am I...." She hyperventilated and I gave her a light smack on her shoulder.

"Calm down. I wasn't acting like you when he told me he was coming over." I eyed her but she kept breathing heavily.

"Just tell me." She whined

"You know the next three weeks is graduation and uncle Haroon's close friend also his workmate....." I paused looking at Maya who was giving me 'continue' look. "I don't know how to explain it." I admitted ashamed of myself.

"Just say it anyhow."

"This person's younger brother is studying at our university and he's graduating this year. Then his older brother,that's uncle Haroon's friend will fly from Nigeria to US for the graduation and he surprisingly asked if uncle Haroon wants to tag along and who in his right senses would say no to such a big offer? So that's it." I finished with a smug smile on my face.

"You just explained it perfectly after saying you can't explain it." She blankly pointed out.

"Duh whatever. Now tell me what you wanted to tell me." And I said that,her smile returned.

"Yes. Its...." She paused and her face slowly morphed into a frown.

"What?" I asked her confuse. Why will her emotions change in a matter of seconds.

"Khair why?" She asked still frowning.

"Why? Why what?"

"Why will you post a pic of you and Ahmad that you took at yesterday's outing?" She frowned deeper.

Post our pic? On whatsapp or where? I couldn't even remember taking out my phone throughout that night.

"Where did you see it?" I asked the smile completely out of my face.

"On instagram. Look." She shoved the phone at my face and I backed away to get a better view.

There was a nice picture of Ahmad and I holding hands with me looking at him like a lovestruck teenager.

"Maybe it was taken from all those random photographers you know."

"Why don't you swipe left to see more."

Swiping left, the image I saw left my mouth hanging. It was a picture taken from behind looking as if Ahmad and I were kissing.

"Oh God." I exclaimed as I read the caption which says 'having a nice time with boo' then heart emoji.

"When the hell did this happened?" I asked yelling at Maya and she gave me this 'seriously?!' look.

"How are you expecting me to know? I wasn't with you last night." She answered eyeing me.

"Why will you do this Khair? Even tho I'm a bad girl,the highest I go is hold hands but you,kissing? I'm so disappointed." Maya scolded really disappointed

"What?! Did you think I could ever do this kind of thing? You don't trust me?" I gawk at her unbelievably.

"I do trust you but....I just don't know. Why don't you read the comments?"

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