chapter sixty

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Khair's POV

I rubbed my sweaty palms together and a feeling of uneasiness surged through me.

My eyes was focused on the floor the whole time. I refused to look up until I saw the man standing up and my eyes followed his movement.

"I will go in and tell them to bring you refreshments." He smiled and left before I could protest.

Two minutes later, he came back and stand in front of me.


"Ummul Khair!" He called and I looked up to him. It felt so weird looking at him while stands and I sit so I got up and maintained a safe distance from him.

"I'm aware of what my daughter did to you and I want you to drop the case of finding her." He stated folding his arms on his chest

"I'm not the one that opened the case so I'm not in the position to drop it." I answered.

"OK then. Forgive her." He ordered.

What the?

"Excuse me?"

"I said you are to forgive her cos no matter what,they won't find her. She's in this house with me and...." I didn't let him continue when I panicked.

"Maya's in this house?! I need to go please." I hurriedly clutched to my bag and walked towards the door in strides.

I twisted the door handle but it won't open. I started dragging it but still.

Maya's dad laugh was what made me turned back.

"You think you can escape? After I told you about Maya's whereabout you want to go out and tell your uncle and that your stupid boyfriend?" He laughed.

"That's definitely not going to happen. You aren't leaving this house alive." He added and I panicked more.

This was exactly what I was scared for.

"I won't tell anyone anything. I'm just going to go home and keep quiet I swear." I said already sweating.

He laughed again and called a name. A girl came inside with a tray and a white piece of cloth covering it.

"Drop it on the table." He ordered and the did as he said.

He rounded the table three times then placed his hands on the piece of white cloth. He retracted his hands and rubbed it on his forehead. He repeated this three times also.

Okay. Its obvious what this means. He's gonna use me for ritual!

I tried to open the door again but it won't open.

"Ummul Khair. I'm going to do what every father needs to do to protect their daughter. After what am going to do now,you will know that you're nothing but a mini fowl." He laughed.

He's going to turn me into a fowl! That's the famous animal all ritualist turns innocent beings into.

He removed the cloth from the tray and picked up a....a cane!

A typical Nigerian pankere cane.

What the darts?!

He came closed to me with the cane, raised his hand up and whip landed on my shoulder.

I shouted and stood up frightened. I looked at Maya's dad who looked panicked and stressed.

Darn! That was just an imagination.

I have the craziest thoughts ever!
Maya's dad POV

Khair was lost in thoughts and she wasn't even blinking. I allowed her to take her time to finish thinking but when I saw her shivering in fear,I became worried and decided to tap her.

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