Revolution of the Daleks! (Part 2)

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The Doctor, Jack and J land inside the Tardis.

Doctor "I'm Back. My own Tardis." She walks around and turns. "Captain Jack Harkness, gold star for rescuing me." She points at him.

Jack " Told your friends if you ever need help, I'd be there." He laughs. "Wow, nice upgrade."

Jack "I didn't expect Jessica to be there however." He looks towards her. Causing the Doctor to also look at her.

"Yes, why were you there? And for how long again?" The Doctor looks directly into her daughter's eyes.

"Wrong time, I came to rescue you. But ended up back far too early. They held me there in suspicion of breaking and entering." She lied.

Jack bought it. The Doctor however never did. But she let J off with it now. Since she just got back in her Tardis. She will see to this later. She was just happy to be home. With her daughter. And Jack, now for the Fam.

Jack and The Doctor continue to talk as J goes running off to her room.

She got to her room, closed the door and let out all her emotions.

She let go off everything, she landed on her room floor and curled up in a ball.

The Tardis made sure no one would hear her or disturb her at this moment. She needed her space.

Hours passed and J finally made it out of her room, she had cleaned herself up and fixed her face. Had a shower and changed into midnight purple jeans, a 'The Script' t-shirt. And a purple hoodie. And purple Vans. She put her hair up in a bun.

She dashed to the Console room to be met with The Doctor, Graham and Ryan. And some man she recognises but can't pin his face.

Robertson "What's happening here? What are we actually doing?"

Doctor "Going to Osaka - Fast!"

The Tardis begins to move through the vortex. (VWORP-VWORP!) Robertson "What about this blue box? What is it? It's a... It's a doorway? It can't be. That was my hallway." He turns and walks. "I don't understand."

Ryan. "Should we explain it to him?"

Graham "Nah, it's more fun watching him struggle."

Doctor "As hard as it is for you to understand, this isn't about you. This is about Daleks."

J shakes her head at the man. "Who the heck is the confused old Geezer?" She still can't pin him. "And what? Daleks? Since when? Can't they just give us all a break..."

Ryan and Graham turn round mouths open. "J" they both say. "Where have you been?" They're worried, confused but glad to see her. They run up and hug her.

She didn't know what to say, her emotions were coming back hard. She turns wiping her eyes after getting out the hug she turns back to them and smiles.

"Stuck in space prison with Pa. However we didn't know we were both there until we left." This caught the Doctor's attention. J has forgotten about her lie already. Not that the Doctor believed it. J forgot she was surprised to know the Doctor was on the other side of that wall.

J "So who's he?"

Ryan "Don't you remember? Big spiders? Sheffield? Yaz's Mum was about to start a job at his hotel?"

J shutters. "Nope. No. Don't talk about giant spiders. No thank you." There is a reason her memory doesn't allow her to remember.

Doctor "Right, common. Graham fill J in on the Daleks."

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