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The Doctor "Planet Earth. Early in the third decade of the 21st century. Population: seven billion. Seven billion lives, separate and connected. From the depths of the oceans... to the edge of the atmosphere."


The Doctor glares at her daughter.

Ryan and Yaz snigger and Graham just watches.

J "What?"

Doctor "Common you guys Ryan, you and J go to Peru, Yaz and Graham Hong Kong and I will go to Madagascar, always wanted to go there. Well I've been, just not really been for a stop though. Maybe I can see some of the sights this time. Possibly.. maybe.. not?"

J "By Yourself?"

Doctor "Yep" she pulls the lever.

First to be dropped off was Ryan and J.

J "So did you hear that?"

Ryan "Yes. Do we have to follow where it came from?"

J "Err... yes something is going on remember birds" she cringes "and whatever the heck else is going on. And why does it smell so bad" she shakes her head and walks on. She sees the girl about to touch a bird.

Ryan "Hey, don't touch it. Something is wrong with the birds."

J "Yeah, what he said."

"If you've touched Jamilla..." she looks at J and then Ryan

Ryan "Hey, I don't even know who Jamila is."

J "Nah no idea either."

"She's vanished. And you two are the only other people out here"

Ryan "Okay, but I swear I haven't seen her"

J "Trust me, if we had seen another person around here we'd let you know. But we just got here."

Ryan "We're here because of what's wrong with the Birds."

"You think I'll buy that?" She questions them.

Ryan "You should, because it's the truth."

J "And hey if you don't want to believe us that's fine too, just don't expect us to help you find her then."

Ryan looks at J with annoyance "What?" She protests at his look.

Ryan "That's not what the Doctor would do. She'd help either way."

J "And do I look like my Father to you?" She groans "Like I'm my own person you know."

"Oi" the Girl looks between them.

"Look, we're not armed. There's nothing in me bag. Check yourself if you don't believe me" Ryan takes off his bag, and throws it to the girl she opens is.

J "Not even a snack in there or a drink" she rolls her eyes.

Ryan "How long has she been gone?"

"I last saw her before I went to sleep last night"

J "Thanks, so much help."

Both the girl and Ryan look a little annoyed at J, she nudges Ryan's arm "Here look, if that was me any sign of any moment as I sleep I'd have woken up. Just saying."

The girl scoffs "I'm not you, and I am a deep sleeper." She hands Ryan his bag back.

J "Alrighty keep your wig on"

"Excuse me?"

J "Nothing never mind sorry" she realises she was being a little rude.

"Stand still." She searches J First then Ryan.

13th Doctor OneShots S2Where stories live. Discover now