Nikola Tesla's night of Terror

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A/N just wanted to remind you all that this won't follow the full episode. Enjoy!

J, Yaz, Ryan and Graham are playing cards in the Train carriage waiting on the Doctor, they are all in 1800s Victorian outfits.

J was about to say something when the door opens, she turns her head to the Doctor Gasps as she enters with two others.

"Here we go, perfect getaway vehicle!" She says "Full speed, straight to New York." She tries to catch her breath.

"And who are they?" J asks

"What did I say?" She grins at them J rolls her eyes

The Doctor and J both say "Night train, right on schedule."

When the Doctor realises J mimics her words she scrunches her eyes at her.

"Wit? I asked you a question so?" J says crossing her arms.

"Ah, you see I don't know that yet," she spins.

"I'm the Doctor by the way. Why don't you tell me who you are and who's shooting at you?" She smiles.

"Dorothy. Dorothy Skerritt." The woman steps forward as she tells The Doctor her name. She shakes her hand.

The gentleman then steps forward also shaking the Doctors hand, "I am Nikola Tesla," J gasps.

"And I assure you I have no idea." He says to the Doc.

"Tesla!" The Doctor says thinking, finding why the name is Familiar she then got all excited. "I knew you looked familiar!" She tells him and spins to the others.

"It's only Nikola Tesla!" She says the man looks to the other woman confused.

"Who?" Yaz turns to Ryan.

"Nicholas something." He says J shakes her head.

"Really you guys? REALLY?" She seems annoyed at this.

The Doctor yells, "Total Genius!" She spins back round to the man "I always wanted to meet you!" She says "Shame you're,  a big fat liar!"

J snorts "Wait WHAT?!?" She says confused.

At the same time Nikola says "Pardon?" The Train screeches on the Tracks and shakes to its side everyone gasps.

The door flies open, Yaz "Doctor!"

"And we're off again." The Doctor yells.

The gang start running the opposite direction, soon enough they find themselves jumping to the next carriage of the Train.

"Oh, god no. I don't wanna be smush under the train" J panics scared.

"Come on!" Yaz yells to her, she shuts her eyes.

"I can't" she tenses up stepping back allowing Ryan to go first.

The Doctor leans against the Door.

"J go!" She yells at her daughter.

"I can't. I hate trains, I hate this. I-I can't. I didn't want to come here, I told you I didn't wanna come on the train." Her eyes still closed she tightens them more closed as she breaths deeply.

The Doctor didn't realise her daughter had a fear of trains? If that's what it is. Let alone jumping from carriage to carriage okay how would she know if her daughter liked it or not, it's not like she does it for sports or fun.

"Come on. You will be fine. It's going to be alright, don't worry~" her words stop as she puts all her weight on the door "About it go." She tells her.

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