Chapter 6

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©️ Emrys Noah 2021



Mae and I missed breakfast as usual because a certain someone who goes by the name MAE woke up late. My water bottle almost fell out of my hand due to the number of things I was carrying. My backpack, folders and might I add, Mae's folder which was under my left armpit. I struggled to pull out my phone when I heard it ring. We were literally jogging because we were not only late for breakfast but also for school. "Hello mom!" I exclaimed because I was getting out of breath. I didn't hear her reply because I caught Mae about to waste our time at a vending machine so I yelled at her. "Mae, don't you dare!" She flipped me off. "Sorry mom, you were saying?" I sighed as I put my phone to my other ear to balance my backpack. "Are you okay?"  I could hear the worry in her voice. I slowed down my pace and replied, "Life is hard." I heard my father's laughter over the phone. I frowned, "Is Father there too?" My mother answered, "Yeah, he wanted to check up on you." I stopped altogether. "Hurry the fuck up, Bee!" Mae shouted as the parking lot which was packed with cars came into view. "I have to go guys." I dismissed.

Mae and I made it into the first period and we got away with a warning from the teacher. That was a close call. That was the third morning I spent in the school. We were leaving on Sunday because we were supposed to stay for the inter-school competition which was ultimately the real reason we went there in the first place. I hadn't started reading yet. The competition was on Saturday and I had three days to prepare and also three days to tutor Archer, three days to tell him how much I loved him.  I had a breakthrough last night on how I see Archer. He isn't just any guy, he is THE guy for me. Fate has obviously brought us together again.

My last period that day was PE. I didn't exactly love the subject but I didn't also detest it. Plus, Mae was in the class with me and she would take the boredom away from me. Mae and I changed into our sportswear and made our way to the gym. I almost tripped on nothing when I saw all the guys shirtless but only one person caught my eye. He was totally checking me out. His eyes danced over my bare legs that were exposed because of the short shorts and they moved up to my waist which was immensely tiny hence allowing me to have an almost hourglass shape. A small smile lay on his lips. I stood still giving him the chance to give me a once over. Mae noticed that and dragged me out of the spot. I couldn't help but look back at him only to find his eyes already on me. His expression was unreadable but he looked somehow, pained.

The teacher walked in and greeted us. He made an announcement that he wouldn't be able to take the class so technically we had a free period. I looked at Archer at that moment and he was staring at the teacher. Then he suddenly looked at me and smirked. He had caught me. I put my head down and started to leave the gym. Mae was talking to a possible love interest so I decided to give her time. I felt his eyes on me as I walked out of the gym. I headed to the changing rooms to throw a hoodie over my sportswear. I was feeling lazy to change out of them. I sent a text to Mae, telling her I was heading to Archer's. I still had to tutor him. I met Kayden at my locker, "Long time, no see." I said sarcastically. I had the third period with him.  We talked for a while while I packed my books into my bag and grabbed my folder. School hadn't ended yet but it seemed it had. I walked back to the gym only to bump into the person I was looking for. Archer.

I was caught off balance when I hit a rock-solid chest. I looked up at him with big eyes only to stare into his amused ones. I stepped back awkwardly and surprisingly, he took a step forward. My eyes widened at that. "Relax, I'm not going to kiss you yet." He said in his velvety voice. Yet. I smiled awkwardly at that. "I know you'd like that." He added and even had the audacity to poke my cheek. He stared at me for a second before realising what had just occurred. Archer cleared his throat and took a step back and headed for the changing room. Before he entered, he looked back at me and said, "Wait for me in the library." I sighed and took a moment to process all that just happened. So after, I went to the library and took a secluded section.  

I was texting Mae about the change of plans when I heard the door open. I felt the insects in my belly come alive. His footsteps were loud and dragged. He was tired and my heart fell at the fact. I only wanted him to be okay. Just okay. I decided to help him to the table. It wasn't him. Worry started to seep in, as I feared he wouldn't show. For what it's worth. I retired back to the table and started revising for the competition on Saturday. I had finished a chapter before Archer spoke up, suddenly at my table. "You're doing your lip thing again." He deadpanned. I looked up at him all confused. "How long have you been here?" I questioned because I didn't hear when he walked in. "A solid minute or so." He shrugged. He stood up suddenly to sit next to me. I could feel his body heat seeping into my hoodie making my body temperature rise. He looked at me for the longest moment before putting a finger under my chin. He pulled my face close to his only to whisper in my ear, "I'm not worth it, Betty." He left a chaste kiss on my ear before he pulled away. 

What did he mean?

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