Chapter 10

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©️ Emrys Noah 2021

ARCHER ~ Tuesday

I never actually said NO to Ari's suggestion. So she was up and early in my room to convince me about a plan she concocted all night. She wanted me to be happy, she gave an excuse, "You had a glow in your eyes when you talk about her." She said. I scowled at her when I realised she was mocking me. "I'm serious Archer, the colours are more vibrant and they look as if they're moving." I rose my eyebrow at her. Was she high?

She made a very good point, "I wouldn't be necessarily happy with her, I would be miserable without her." That gave me the motivation to try.  Ari actually screamed when I told her I was going to try. She really wanted me to be happy. She filled me in on her little plan to win Betty over. It was kind of stupid but also worth a shot. 

So I went to school and headed straight for class with the goal of commencing the plan. I attended all my classes with an open mind. I tried not to be hopeful, in order not to get them crushed. During lunch, I had to bite back my tongue, not literally though, I didn't want to say anything hurtful to her as I normally would. I bet she noticed it. The day flew by quickly though, and then I headed to the principal's office, he had an accountant who took a break once school was over and just my luck, the principal was out that day. 

On my way to the office, I spoke to one of my classmates about the plan, not telling her, it's to win Betty over but for her to help me with Biology and she agreed. She rushed behind the assistant's desk and called Betty on the PA system. "I better not get into trouble for this, Archer." I only smiled at her sheepishly. Betty walked in moments later and we set up a tutoring system. 

I took her home and we all know how that went. I wasn't one to hold hands but I made an effort to touch her. Her hand fit perfectly in mine, I loved the feel of it and it made me happy. I savoured the moment we spent together.

ARCHER ~ Friday

I started off the day with a little revision for the competition, I didn't really need the tutoring she was doing, I only did that so we could get closer. I was surprised when I got picked to compete against them. I didn't know Betty was going to be one of them. She was going to be crushed when she realises I'm her competition. I finished up the revision and headed to pick up Henry and Venus from their respective homes. I was basically their Uber. 

As usual, combine Henry and Venus in a car, you get a never-ending chatterbox. My ears were gagging. I pulled into the school's parking lot and pleaded to them with my eyes to shut the fuck up. I got out of the car and made my way into school. Betty and I agreed to meet after school that day. I was looking forward to it, we had kissed the previous day. I really want to be with her. I don't know if I can let myself be with her. 

The day flew by as it normally would. Before my eyes, the last period was over. I made my way to the library. The librarian was there. I smiled awkwardly at her. I walked to the familiar section. I stopped when I saw her small figure on a seat, she was reading a book. Her hair was in a messy bun which made her irresistible. I took calculated steps towards her and almost groaned out loud when her cute eyes met mine. My trousers grew a size smaller if you know what I mean.

A small smile danced on my lips as I took the final steps to her. She reached out to me as I sat opposite her. I grabbed her hand and kissed it, "Hi," I said. She smiled at me and replied, "Hi." She looked at the time and said, "You're late!" I scoffed and retorted, "I'm a minute late, Betty. It's not my fault my last class was three doors away from the library." She put her hand to her face. "We had last period together, Archer." She deadpanned. "Touche," I replied.

"Archer?" She started, I looked up at her. "Can I call you Arch?" She mumbled, once again, she brought a small smile to my face. I grabbed her chin gently and kissed her slowly for a second. "Call me what you want, Betty." She blushed at both my words and action. I felt at peace, happy even. I kept my distance to avoid any random situation. We started reading separately, she made flashcards and I scanned through my textbook.

She suddenly stopped to ask, "You don't want me to tutor you?" I shook my head, she frowned. I couldn't let her know why I asked her to tutor me in the first place. It would crush her. "It's nothing, I just need to read." She only nodded but I knew she wasn't happy. A few minutes passed, and I started a conversation.

I reached for her hand to hold. I didn't know what to say to her so I just stared at her. I'm guessing, that made her vulnerable so she blurted, "I really like you, Archer. I've always liked you. I have feelings for you that won't go away." My hand left hers immediately. What did she expect me to say? I looked at her expectant eyes. I frowned, it was too soon. I couldn't take it so basically I bolted.

I took long breaths when I got to my car, I felt bad for leaving her stranded but it was better than crushing her with my words. She was better off without me.

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