Extra Chapter ~ 11 ~ UNEDITED

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©️ Emrys Noah 2021


I pulled my car into the parking lot of the school and was surprised to see how deserted it looks. It was somewhat peaceful. I placed my head against the steering wheel as I recalled how I had entered. The security for some reason didn't want to let me in, I had to search for my old school ID card. I scoffed under my breath as I turned off my car and walked out of my car. 

It wasn't 7 AM yet. I sighed as the air was chilly. I hurried into the school grounds and headed to the English Classroom. That was where we got paired for the shitty B grade project. I opened the door to the classroom and I felt a wave of nostalgia hit me. The class was empty. I checked my phone for the time, I wasn't late. I sighed and retired to my usual seat in English class. I glanced back to where he sat that day. Yes, I still remember.

A few seconds passed when I heard a scoff. I looked around to see the source until I spotted Archer standing in the doorway of the classroom. I put my hand to my chest and let out a breath of relief.  "You scared me," I said and put my hands on the table. He shrugged and walked into the classroom, closing the door behind him. I tried to hide my excitement. I decided to make conversation. "It's not seven yet. I'm early. We're both early." I added a laugh at the end. He didn't even look at me. "I'm aware." 

I blew out my cheeks. "I didn't see your car." He looked at me and I saw his lips tilting up to give me a sarcastic smile. "I'm not mentally prepared to get behind the when now am I?" Then silence fills the room. Like completely engulfs the classroom. It becomes awkward for both of us. I could feel him trying his best not to run away from this moment. I know because that's what Archer does. 

I looked at him. Surprisingly, his gaze was already on me. A few seconds passed. I didn't realise I had uttered anything until I saw him scramble to get to me. "I want you to hold me," I whispered. He sighed and stopped in front of me. He placed a kiss on my forehead and sighed again. Then I felt his hands wrap around me, engulfing me in his body. I felt tears in my eyes and he rubbed my back. I couldn't help it and I started crying totally. 

His hands tightened around me and I leaned into his hold. I had stopped crying and we just stood there in our embrace. He brought his hand up to my arm and pulled me away from him. "Betty," I hummed in response. "This isn't where it all began." I frowned. What did he mean? He chuckled and grabbed my hand and led me out of the place. 

I realised we were headed to the library. We met up there to work on the project. A small smile worked its way up to my mouth. "We introduced ourselves, here." We had reached the place we stayed back then. 

I felt tears come back to my eyes. I willed them to go away. "Archer-" He cut me off. "I fucking love you, Betty." He said and kissed me immediately. Giving me little to no time to respond. I felt everything in that kiss. He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. "What does this mean now?" I asked shyly. He gave me a sly smile and walked away from me. I followed him. "Archer!" I whined. He turned back to look at me and stuck out his tongue at me. Where was all this coming from?

We sat next to each other in the empty library. My hand was engulfed in his, his other arm around my waist. It was a feeling of total bliss. I was so happy. "I have so much to tell you, Betty." He whispered. "I can't lose you again." His voice broke. I spoke up, "Arch, you can never lose me, got that? Even when you couldn't remember me, I stayed. I'm here for you." I kissed the back of his hand. He looked at me for a second and smiled. "I'm sorry for being closed off at first, in my defence, I couldn't remember. I'm not good with people, you know that." I nodded, "It's alright Archer." I nudged his shoulder. 

"I love you, you know that right?" He asked. I kissed his cheek, "To the moon and back baby!"



And that's a wrap, I'm in college now and this is a rushed end. I can sense it. Thank you for reading, if you've made it this far. I love you so much!

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