Extra Chapter ~ 3

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©️ Emrys Noah 2021


I stood outside for a solid second before I heard the lock click open. I took a deep breath as Ariana's tired face came into view. She gave me a small smile and pulled me in. I took in my surroundings and it looked the same, not a detail out of place apart from the wheelchair that sat in the corner. We walked to the kitchen and she made me a drink which I took with a shaking hand. I looked at the stairs that led to his room, to him. 

"Thank you for coming in today, Betilla." She started. I gave her a small smile and sipped on the drink. "I remembered my word, to not give up on him, even if it hurts me," I muttered as I heard someone walk into the room. I felt my heart beat twice faster at the thought of it being Archer. I looked at the person to see that it was a young female who had an uncanny resemblance to Ariana. "Is this your daughter?" I asked Ariana, she nodded and smiled at me. "So this is the infamous Betilla, Archer won't shut up about," Arielle said. I blushed and looked down, muttering, "Not any more."

"I'm Arielle, Archer's sister." She said and pulled me into a hug. She whispered in my ear, "I know you're in so much pain now." She pulled away and gave me a small smile. I sighed as we walked into the living room. Ariana started, "Ari, he's still sleeping right?" She nodded. "You had him discharged?" I asked in surprise as if I had not imagined him coming down earlier. Ariana said, "I couldn't bear him spending another night in that gloomy hospital room." I looked down and nodded slowly. 

There was an awkward silence between us before I spoke up, "What do you need me to do?" I questioned motioning to the stairs. "Okay so, Archer is hellbent convinced that he doesn't know you, we need you to try and befriend him and recreate those moments you spent together to see if it'll jog his memory. Also, the doctor mentioned something about a trigger, like an important moment the two of you spent together that made him really happy or sad, it can help him recover his memory of you." She paused before continuing. "The doctor mentioned that he can regain his memory after some time if you expose him to things that happened before his accident." I frowned at that. "He spent most of his time with you so, you're the best fit." She finished. I took a deep breath and exhaled before answering, "I understand. I'll do it."

Arielle mentioned, "Archer stayed with me for his senior year and I just got here so he hasn't seen me yet. We'll test his memory of that." We all stood up and headed for Archer's room only to find him at the last step of the stairs. I looked at him and he seemed so exhausted. Ariana was quick to go help him. "Archer, bed rest remember." She scolded. His dull eyes scanned the room briefly. He glanced over me and dismissed me to look at Arielle. He paused at her, "Mom, is that Ari?" He whispered. 

Arielle chuckled and pulled him into a soft hug. They exchanged greetings and I stood there awkwardly. I noticed Ariana's stare telling me to meet him. I was scared and chickened out. I slumped back to the chair and I didn't miss his question. "What is she doing here mom?" There was a long pause. His mom was about to talk when I cut her off, "I was just passing by and I thought I'd check on you." I lied. He gave me a brief nod.

Archer refused to go back to his ed so instead, he was situated on the couch, his head on his mother's lap. She ran her fingers through his curls as he closed his eyes in relaxation. "Ari, what are you doing here though?" He questioned. Arielle gave a burst of forced laughter before stylishly asking him the question. "You left some clothes in my house when you stayed, yeah? and I'd thought I'd visit home." She said. Archer frowned for a while before replying, "Yeah, I left a dress shirt and one of my shoes." He was right, and he did remember going to the U.K but did he remember why?

"Why did you even leave in the first place?" His mother chipped in, stringing along with the plan. Archer gave his mother a long look before answering, "I told you, mom, I had to escort Venus back home and I decided to finish the school year there since I had started there." He replied with a serious face. That wasn't why he left. I had his letter to prove that. I decided I needed to head back home and research more on him. He seemed to remember everything except me. I signalled to Ariana that I needed to talk to her. 

I stood up slowly and I felt his eyes follow me, "I'll be off now, it was nice seeing you, Archer." I looked at him and he stared back at me dryly. He harrumphed and said, "I'm deeply obliged to you for stopping by," I held back the urge to roll my eyes. I started walking to the door when Ariana spoke up, "I'll see you off." She stood up after me and Archer let out a grunt of disapproval which his sister softly smacked him to. 

"He remembers everything except me," I whispered to Ariana once we were out of hearing range. She nodded and said, "Bring a notepad tomorrow. We need to plan this properly." I looked at her astonished. "Tomorrow?" "Yes, tomorrow. I'll make up an excuse as to why you're going to be around." 

I nodded at started walking back to my car, "Oh, please delete the texts between Archer and I on his phone. I wonder what he'd think if he sees them." She nodded and I turned on my car. "Thank you darling." I smiled at her and headed back home. 

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