Chapter 20

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©️ Emrys Noah 2021


I jump up at the sound of my alarm. I took in my surroundings and I was in my room? What the hell? I remember falling asleep with Archer, in his room. I reached for my phone and saw a text, 

Baby, I brought you home. I remembered you start your first day of work today and I didn't want you to be late or anything. So, this is me telling you, good luck, love. Text me if you need anything. 


He was so thoughtful. I almost felt guilty about leaving him today. I walked out of bed and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. As I did so, I got glimpses of last night. I had remembered him putting me in his car and in bed. I smiled at the thought. I made my way to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. I'd definitely need it. I was basically working as an intern for a company. 

As I walked to the bus stop, I was on my phone checking up on Archer and Mae. I got on the bus and started to imagine what the day could be like. I reminded myself to thank my parents when I got back from work. I walked out of the bus and into the tall building. I hoped I wasn't going to be stuck on the top floor. Also, I hated taking the elevator. I was working as an intern so that includes, making calls, refilling coffees and my personal favourite, noting my sarcasm, waiting in line to print out documents from the oldest printer ever. 

I walked up to the receptionist and told her my name and details. She left her post and took me to the elevator, showing me around on the way. She pressed the top floor and my suspicions were confirmed. "You'd be working here." She said. We walked a bit and reached a secluded place, "This would be your office, where you can sit down, work on documents and all that." She showed me the printer which was on the middle floor. Are you kidding me?

The printer was dusty, I wasn't surprised when I saw it was printing only black. And then she left me, immediately I heard a ping on my phone. A document was emailed to me to be printed. I sighed as I walked from my desk to the elevator. As I got there, I got another ping, "Coffee to office 8." That was like on the first floor. I had to go across the building to the coffee shop to get it. I decided to deliver the coffee first then print the documents. I hurried into the elevator and pressed the ground floor. 

I waited inside the little coffee shop, the company had a tab on the shop, so I ordered coffee and took it to go. I rushed inside the building under the furious skies. I really didn't want it to rain. I decided to take the stairs, I made it to the first floor and looked for office 8. I spotted it and knocked before entering. I heard a grunt that resembled a 'come in' I placed the coffee on the table and headed out. I stopped after hearing another grunt of thanks. I smiled and walked away. I headed for the elevator. I planned to get the documents printed. I was almost on the middle floor when I got another ping. 

I groaned before I opened it. Office 32 and 45 need coffee. This wasn't what I signed up for. I walked to the crusty dusty printer and plugged it in. It whirred to life with a low hum. I looked for the cable to transfer the files and I was at a loss. I was immensely confused about how to work the printer. A guy walked up to me and started laughing, "You new here?" I gave him a long look like Archer would give me. I missed him. I didn't realise I was staring at the guy for a solid minute before he cracked up with laughter. I blushed immediately and looked down, "Is it that obvious?" I played along. 

I looked up at him and caught him checking me out, I surprisingly blushed at the fact. "Can you help me?" I asked and held gazes with him. What was I doing? He smirked at me, "Only if you'd introduce yourself to me first." I thought for a second and said, "Sure! I'm Betilla. You can call me Betty." No, he can't, what the fuck was I doing? Only Archer can call me Betty. "Alright then, Betty, I'll show you how to work this musty printer, that this goddamn company doesn't want to replace." He whispered the last part to me. I giggled. I don't giggle, why the fuck was I giggling?!

He taught me how to work the printer and I had the documents printed, I remembered about my other tasks. I realised I could pre-order coffee and just have it delivered to the building. In an attempt to save my job as an intern, or maid in this case, I hurriedly thanked Joe. His name was Joe. He held me back and said, "Wait, how can I contact you?" He pulled out one of his business cards and scribbled his address on it. As if I was ever going to visit him. I told him, I'd give him mine when I get the tasks done. 

After I delivered the coffee to both offices 32 and 45, I headed to Joe's office with my business card in hand. I had written my house address too behind it. What was up with me today? I was basically flirting with him. He even had the audacity to hold my hand and kiss my cheek, while I stood there, giving him the wrong impression. 

The time had come for me to leave, it was 2 PM. My shift was over and I was awfully tired. I had called Archer earlier and asked him to pick me up. He was heading to the building. I sat down on the chairs patiently on the ground floor waiting for him. My feet were killing me. Apparently, Joe's shift was also over and he perched on a seat next to me and started making conversation, only this time I was too tired to be interested. "You waiting for someone?" He asked and looked at me, I scanned his face really quickly and looked away, "Yeah, he'd be here soon." I said, hoping he'd get the gist. I have a boyfriend.

At that moment, Archer texted me, "I'm outside." I stood up suddenly and told Joe goodbye. I made my way out of that hell hole and into the comfort of Archer's car. I sat in the passenger's seat and sighed. I closed my eyes. I felt Archer kiss my cheek, on the exact spot Joe did. Archer knew I was exhausted and he drove me home in silence. We crashed on the couch when I realised Archer had bought McDonald's for me. I was actually hungry. I ate half of my burger and started to doze. I felt Archer pick me up in his arms. A lazy smile danced on my lips. 

I felt the comfort of my bed and started to sleep. I didn't know when fell completely asleep. I remember hearing Archer argue with someone over the phone. I sat up and was met with utter darkness, "Archer?" I called out. I felt arms snake themselves around me, I smiled. "I'm here." I saw him reach for my lamp to turn it on, I winced when my room got lightened. "Betty, are you okay?" I frowned at him, he looked furious. "You were barely breathing, I could even find a pulse. Where the fuck did you go? I was scared you were dead." I sighed. "I was really tired Arch, I'm awake now." He held me tighter. "Don't scare me like that again."

I checked the time, it was after 11 PM. Archer looked tired, "Let's watch a movie." I suggested, Archer shrugged. I turned on the TV and went to use the bathroom. I came back and saw him sprawled on my bed. I chuckled and went to meet him. "You're like a huge teddy bear." He only chuckled. "Hey, I have tomorrow morning free. You can come over and we can like jog or work out because I've been meaning to do that with you. Kind of like a date!" I rambled. Archer looked at me with an amused expression. And finally nodded. I kissed him and added, "Don't forget it." I warned. He replied smugly, "Don't worry, I won't even remember it." I smack him and turned my attention back to the movie.

 "Archer?" I said. He grunted in response. "I was wondering if you've... you know," I mumbled. His eyes remained closed as he replied, "I know?" I rolled my eyes and played with my fingers. He sat up and looked at me. He was waiting to hear what I was getting on about. 

"Maybe, you don't know," I muttered to myself. I turned to him, "Like have you, um, done it?" I squeaked. "What is it, Betty?" I realised he knew what I was talking about, he just wanted me to say it. "It!" I squeaked again. He laughed. "Yes." He finally replied and my heart dropped. He had had sex? What in the hell? I turned away from him and I could tell he knew I was upset. "It doesn't matte-" I cut him off. "Did you do it with Venus?" I asked and faced him to see his reaction. He closed his eyes and sighed, "Yeah, a long time ago." I left the room. 

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