Extra Chapter ~ 7

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©️ Emrys Noah 2021


I pulled up in front of his house and parked. "Archer," I said and looked at him. He was asleep. I sighed and took off my seatbelt. I got down and walked over to the passenger side of the car. I opened it and sighed. I knew I couldn't get him up without him waking. I paused and looked at him. He had a small smile playing on his lips. I teared up at the fact that I had lost him. He definitely did not have a clue of who I was to him. I tapped him lightly on his arm. His other hand shot up so fast and held mine. My breath hitched in my throat when I saw him staring back at me with those eyes. 

I noticed he was analysing me, I couldn't help but get flushed at the fact. Then he uttered something that made me never want to give up on him ever. "You're still beautiful as ever." He muttered to himself but I heard it. I felt my facade crack and a smile broke out on my face. he chuckled and placed a kiss on my cheek. My eyes widened as he pulled me aside in order to pass. I stood there with my mouth hanging open. Did he remember? He walked up to the door and looked back at me, "You coming?" 

We walked up to his room in silence. He closed the door behind us and started to shrug out his clothes. I just stood there gawking at him, "You realise you're going to be sick if you stay in those wet clothes." He said and walked into his closet. I looked down at my clothes. His jacket was already wet. He walked back out and chuckled under his breath as he pushed a change of clothes my way. My brain was so frozen. I didn't know what to do or what was going on.

"Archer?" I called out. He turned to look at me. "Do you remember when my brother died?" He frowned at me, "When was that?" He asked and turned away. "Early this year," I muttered. He turned sharply to me, "That was your brother? Benedict was your brother?" I couldn't mutter any word so I just nodded. "Why can't I remember you?" He asked me after a while passed. I only stared at him. "I mean, you obviously know so much about me. It kind of feels like you were a part of my life and now it's all blank." He ranted. We were having a breakthrough. 

I sat on his bed after changing into dry clothes. He sat on his desk and watched me. "Do you want me to tell you how we met?" He looked away for a while then nodded. So I did. I told him the story of our life. How we met by being paired for an English project. I didn't leave out the interactions that happened between us, the kiss, I definitely did not leave out my brother's death and Venus. I sighed and stopped when I narrated the graduation. I paused to look at him. He looked mindblown.

"I actually have no words at the moment because all you said wasn't what I remember. But the fact that you know all about me, about Mildred. That speaks a lot that you may be right. I may have known you." He cleared the air. "That's not all Arch," I muttered. He rose his eyebrow. "I got a job. You didn't like the idea. I met a guy there and we like exchanged information on that day. We were supposed to have a morning date that morning. But Joe showed up instead. And he," I stopped and looked away from him, wiping tears that were already in my eyes. "He kissed me, you saw. And then broke up with me. You vanished. I tried to call you, I went to your house. Then I received news that you were in an accident. Here we are."

I had recreated our entire history together. And he was unmoving. "I can't deal with this shit now." He said dismissively and walked to his bed. He got in under the covers, "Um, what are you doing?" I whispered. He looked at me, "What does it look like?" He replied coldly. I stood up slowly and made my way to his door. Before leaving, I muttered, "Sleep well, Archer." He didn't reply. I closed the door behind me and made my way to my car. Only that I bumped into Ariana.

She pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. "I told him everything. Like our entire history." I mumbled as I broke down in her embrace. "He'll come around darling. Just be patient." She cooed in my ear. I thanked her and returned back home. I planned to return his clothes the next day as an opportunity to see him. 

I closed my eyes tightly as I lay in bed that night. The solitude engulfed me and I didn't like it one bit. Maybe he'll remember me. I didn't know when the sleep took me away. I woke up to the sound of my doorbell being buzzed. Who could it possibly be? I sighed as I walked downstairs to see who it was. I stopped when I saw who it was. I scoffed under my breath. 

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