Chapter 18

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©️ Emrys Noah 2021


So no, we didn't have sex. Archer and I spent the rest of the day watching shows on Netflix. I had to reheat the food because it got cold. Not to mention, we had stupid weird random conversations. One went along the lines of...

"My name is Betilla, Archer." I deadpanned and looked at him. I played with the end of his shirt. He chuckled and said, "Betty is short for Betilla. I gave you that name." He leaned down to give me a kiss on my forehead which I smiled to. "Does that make Mae my Veronica?" I asked and grinned at him. He rolled his eyes at me. Yes, he rolled them. "And I'm your Archikins, yeah." He said then paused. "But, Veronica ends up with Archie in Riverdale. Meaning, I'll be with Mae? Hell no!" He grimaced. I smacked him. She wasn't that bad.

The sun was just setting and Archer had to go. I hung onto him as he walked out of my house. The sun cast its light on my face and it seemed to render Archer mesmerised. I smiled at him, "Stay," I tried to persuade him. He frowned at me and shook his head. "I promised my mom, I'd be home. I just got back after all. I came to your place directly from the airport." He said and ran to his car. I followed him coyly. He opened one of his suitcases. And my jaw dropped. It was messy as fuck. "Archer, why didn't you pack well?" I questioned. He narrowed his eyes at me as if confused. He continued rummaging through it until he pulled out something. 

It was a snuggly sweater. I noticed, it had our initials engraved at the edge along with the date we got together. He didn't ask me out but we both knew we were together. I felt hot tears force their way into my eyes. He held me and caressed my cheek, "Don't cry, Betty." I nodded at him but I couldn't help it. He pulled me in for a hug and held me tight. I felt him kiss my hair then he put his head on mine. I sighed as I pulled away. The sun had set already and it was getting dark. 

"Bye now," I said and started to walk away. I didn't get to the front door when I stopped because of what he said. "I love you." I turned back slowly and weakly replied, "I love you." I pulled it together and made it safely into the comfort of my room. I sighed as I lay on my bed and replayed the events of that day. I fell asleep on a call with Mae. 

The next day, I was up and running. I had sent a text to Archer which he hadn't replied. I pushed the worry aside and focused on being productive. I was done with High School. I had applied to some Universities but I hadn't written my essay yet. So there I sat, in front of my Macbook. I was blasting 'Dead eyes' by Powfu in my ears. Five minutes passed, the screen was still blank. I decided to change the music because an unknown song was playing. I sighed and started to type when I was finally listening to 'Soda Stream Sky' once again by Powfu. 

"Went and bought pop for the lonely sunset," I muttered under my breath as I sang along. I had successfully written down my name. To be honest, my mind wasn't really up for writing essays. I was also confused as to which University to pick. I hadn't asked Archer which he was going to. I didn't even know his major. I felt incomplete so I decided to postpone the application. My final exams were good so I could get into any University. To top it off, I didn't know what I was going to major in!

Archer finally got back to me later that day. Mae had an unexpected visit. I was supposed to have a lazy day but my best friend made it a lot better. With Mae, my lazy day was turned into a self-care day. 

"Bee, come on you're not even close to the speed limit!" Mae whined. I was driving us to a nearby McDonalds because Mae was craving a milkshake. I was actually craving a burger too. I sighed at told her. "Mae, you don't have to be cranky just because you want a milkshake." I rolled my eyes as I pulled into the drive-thru of the said McDonalds. I ordered a chicken legend with hot and spicy mayo, also with a Pepsi. Mae ordered just a vanilla milkshake. Seriously.

 The downside of being the one driving, Mae finished her milkshake on the way and might I add, she had the audacity to take a bite out of my burger! And she didn't stop at that. She also took a sip of my Pepsi. I hated her so much. As if she read my thoughts, she darted out her tongue at me. I ignored her. Mae ended up staying over and we had a blast honestly. I was extremely embarrassed though. Archer called me and Mae kept on making noises in the background. It wasn't really funny. 

The next day, I was up and running. But Mae on the other hand had just reached the second stage of her sleep. I could tell because her snore pattern had changed. How I know this girl so much! I left her to complete her sleep cycle as I started my day. I planned to clean out my study also donate my old school books. So, I got out some boxes to put the books in. I closed the door behind me and started cleaning, then my phone started to buzz. 

"Betilla darling." My mother said over the call. I rolled my eyes and said, "I'm fine mom." I picked up one of my books and analysed it. I smiled over the memories it held. "I called to check up on you. And to ask how it went." I frowned. "What?" 

"Did you not see Archer?" She asked. Ooh, that. "Oh, I did. Yup." I tried to stop myself from smiling as I recalled the events of that day. I hadn't seen him since. I wish I could soon.

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