Chapter 15

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©️ Emrys Noah 2021

BETILLA ~ a few months later

I sat with Mae by my side as we all listened to the principal ramble her speech. I was only physically present, my mind was elsewhere. I had graduated High School. Fucking finally actually. Lance sat next to Mae with a beaming smile. Anne and Kayden finally got together and they were always looking cute. I looked over to where my parents sat. They looked happy and a big and proud smile was plastered on their face. I felt tears come to my eyes at the thought of my brother, Benedict. He should have been here with me but he wasn't. And that made me sad. 

Mae seemed to realise and she put her hand around me, whispering in my ear. "Check your phone." I frowned at that. I didn't feel it buzzing. I pulled it out and opened it. Archer had sent me something. I looked at Mae and raised my brow. I opened it, it read

Hey baby girl,

You did it, fucking finally! It's so sad, I cant see your adorable face. I miss you so much. Another hurdle crossed. Now, don't burst into tears on reading this. I'm not typing this to make you cry. I don't intend on doing that to you ever, again. I'm also aware of another issue that can make you cry. Betty, trust me when I say, Benedict's so fucking proud of you. He's probably bragging about this to his buddies up there. So put on a freaking smile and make me happy, okie? Yeah, I love you.


I felt tears overwhelm me more but neither of them would want that. Plus, I couldn't ruin my makeup. I definitely didn't write a cheer up note on his graduation. I looked at Mae and she shrugged. I rolled my eyes and planned to give Archer a call after the ceremony. I decided to enjoy the time I had in the ceremony and leave the weeping for later. 

"Bee! We have to take pictures!" Mae yelled as she yanked me to where the rest of our classmates were standing. I wasn't really feeling it but I put on a smile and posed for the camera. I ended up enjoying it. I met up with my parents and they killed me with kisses and hugs. "You can stay the night at Mae's if you'd like." Mom said and I could feel my eyes brighten up. I nodded. I hugged them goodbye and walked to my car. I told Mae on the way that I was staying the night. She was pumped!

I sighed when I tried Archer's number but it went to voicemail. I got in my car and started driving to Mae's house. I tried calling him again, still went to voicemail. I decided to leave one. 

"Hey Archer, it's me, well obviously. Thank you for the message. I read it exactly at that time and it's so thoughtful of you to leave it." I paused for a while. "Can you call me back when you get this?" I sighed and said, "Bye." I sent the voicemail. We needed to talk about where we were going. I had barely survived a long-distance relationship. In the beginning, Archer totally left me for an entire week. He didn't check up on me or anything. My stress levels were through the roof. I tried to keep myself busy with my academics which helped me in the long run. I got good grades!

It wasn't totally bad, there were nights we would stay on a call till daybreak, not on a school night though. We would just talk randomly or do my favourite, just stare at each other. I missed him, his warmth, eyes. I had hoped he'd come to visit after his graduation. But he graduated two weeks ago and he had never mentioned it so I doubted he'd come. I pulled into Mae's driveway and waited for her car to pull in after me. 

Mae and I were settled in her bed binging the latest season of Sex Education. I was already dozing off when I felt my phone buzz. I muttered curses under my breath and looked at the caller ID. My eyes widened when I saw it was Archer. I looked at Mae who was knocked out already. I picked the call and brought it to my ear. I reached for the remote to turn off the TV. I walked out of her room. It was already late. "Hello," I said with a hushed voice. I felt a pulsation in my stomach when he replied, "I got your voicemail." I blushed at the thought. "Oh yeah, that-" He cut me off, "Were you sleeping?" He asked and I replied, " I was about to." 

There was a five hour time difference between the countries. It was 11 pm here and it would be 4 am in the U.K. What was he doing awake? "Go to sleep." He said pulling me out of my train of thoughts and cut the call. My jaw dropped. He was still rude though but it was cute because he wanted me to sleep. I left a text message to him, "It's 4 am in U.K. Arch, go to bed." After sending that, I retired to join Mae in snoozing. 

~The next day

Mae had a really lousy brother. Lance was up and running blasting music from his really loud sound system. Mae slept through all that. She was unhealthily used to it. I sighed before marching to his bedroom. His eyes lightened up when he saw me, "Just the person I wanted to see." He walked to me and pulled me in a hug. "Good morning, bestie." I laughed and returned the hug. A lot had changed between us. It was for the better.

I went back to Mae's room after chilling for a while and she was on a call. I used the bathroom and went back to her. "Dum dum, I'm off," I said as I grabbed my car keys and phone. She flipped me off. I only rolled my eyes and shouted, "I love you too," As I walked out. I got in my car and started heading home. My mother called me and I answered. "Hey, Betilla, a meeting came up. Your father and I will be gone for a while. Celebrate when we get back yeah?" She said and my dad said something in agreement. "Oh, no, yeah sure," I replied. She cut the call after telling me the house was locked and that they loved me. A lot had really changed after Benedict's death.

I listened to some music on the drive home. I started to pull up into the driveway when I noticed a familiar car parked there. My parents weren't home. I frowned. I got down quietly and walked to the house in which the lights were on. Someone was definitely in my house! I unlocked the front door and stepped in. I could feel my heart thumping hard in my chest. I had 911 on speed dial. I walked to the living room and almost choked on my spit.

"Holy shit!" I shouted and stumbled back. The intruder chuckled, "There's nothing holy about my shit, sweetheart." Archer said.

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