Extra Chapter ~ 1

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©️ Emrys Noah 2021


I opened my eyes and a blinding light shot right through them. I cursed under my breath as I felt pain all over my body. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes again. I was in a hospital room. What happened? I sighed as I felt the solitude welcome me. I felt my body relax again as I slipped back into the darkness. I can't recall how long I stayed unconscious. A hand on my face brought me back to reality. I opened my eyes once more and it was bearable than the first time. My eyes met a familiar face. She was pretty if you ignored the swollen eyes and pale face. I knew her. 

"Mom?" I managed to make out. She smiled at me and reached for my hand. It felt right. I sighed and leaned into her embrace. We stayed there for a while before I sensed someone else was in the room with us. I slowly turned my head to where the person stood. I was surprised to see a small girl standing near the door. Was she lost? She looked tired and sad? I looked away from her sharply and back at my mother. I was surprised to see my mom reaching for her. Who was she?

My mom seemed to know her so well, I didn't miss the smile that left her face. I decided to cut to the chase, "Who are you?" I asked. She looked so hurt by my words and I was more than confused as to why. "Nobody," She whispered before bolting out of the room like a little child. I scoffed under my breath and turned back to look at my mother. She wasn't smiling anymore. "Who is she mom?" I asked again. 

My mom sighed before taking a seat near me on my bed. She held my hand and started, "So Archer, you don't know her?" I looked back to where she stood. I shook my head, "Just seeing her for the first time." I replied. "In that case, her name is Betilla." She paused before continuing, "She's your girlfriend." I gave my mom a long look. I wasn't really in the mood for pranks or jokes at the moment. "That's a good one mom. When is Dad going to jump out screaming 'April fool's" I sassed.

I scoffed when she didn't even reply, I looked at the clock which conveniently displayed the date too. "I mean it even isn't April!" I almost yelled. It was really twisted to pull a joke on a person when they wake up in the hospital. "Where's Dad by the way? Is he paying the girl you hired to be my girlfriend?" I continued. I looked back at her and she had a frown on. "Archer darling, I'm serious." I became awfully quiet. 

"Well, that can't be possible. We both know what happened to me after I got a girlfriend that I loved. Yeah, I'm talking about um- her name is Milly? No, Mildred. Why on earth would I even dream of entering one again? Not even how I hurt Venus." I said flatly. "Mom, I think you're mistaken." I ended and turned to face the TV that was playing an episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

"Honey, so you don't recall having a relationship with Betilla?" She asked me once again. I groaned and turned back to look at her, "I am a hundred percent certain, I did not and will not have a relationship with Betilla." I concluded. "And where's Dad then?" I asked. 

"He's held up with work. He'll be here as soon as he can." She replied and leaned in to kiss my forehead. I smiled at her attempts to be loving. We stayed in silence until she interrupted it again. "Are you sure you don't know her?" I closed my eyes before replying. "I don't but if you want, I'll take a look at her again to see if it'll jog my memory." I was getting tired. My mom seemed to notice that and she stood up. I laid back down on my bed. She kissed my cheek and left me quietly. 

I didn't realize I had fallen asleep until I felt someone hold me. I opened my eyes and saw a man holding my hand. I frowned as I looked at him. He looked relieved to see me staring right back at him. I realised who he was. "Dad," I said and reached for his other hand. He gave me a sly smile. "You thought you were going to leave me with your mother alone. Bummer, you're back." He teased. We spent a while just enjoying the time we had. Unlike my mom, he didn't push me about a person named Betilla. That made me think, was my mother right? Had I forgotten some things? 

My dad mentioned my accident. Could this be as a result? My thoughts were drawn from me when I heard my mom step into the room. I gave her a small smile to let her know I appreciated her presence. That smile fell when I realised who stepped in after my mom.


She looked terrified and scared. I kept my face neutral. I scanned her face briefly. She was pretty. She started to talk, "Hey Archer, I'm Betilla." She held her hand out for me to take. I eyed it carefully. I decided not to make any contact with her. I realised that I had to speak now. "I'm sorry we got off to a wrong start. I just wanted to apologize." I said flatly. I watched her reaction carefully. She looked like she was about to throw up, she sighed heavily and started to leave. Oh well...

"Betilla, don't go." My mom stopped her. "You said you weren't going to give up." She had tears in her eyes. I was confused as to what she meant by 'give up'. This was interesting. If indeed, she was someone to me, I wanted to find out why. 

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