Extra Chapter ~ 8

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©️ Emrys Noah 2021


Once I heard her car pull out of the driveway, I stood up from my bed and paced my room. I walked to the other end of my room. I turned and walked back to my bed. I reached for my phone that sat on my bedside table. I had put some thought into what she said. She laid down some solid aspects of my life, I couldn't expect her to know. She could only know if I had told her. I unlocked my phone and opened messages. She had mentioned that we texted. I scrolled to her contact which was pinned. I clicked on it and it was blank. 

There weren't any received messages from her. I hadn't sent any. But the chat room had definitely been used. I could tell, I wouldn't pin an empty conversation. I realised I always back up my messages to the cloud so I rushed to my desk where my laptop sat. I googled how to retrieve messages from the cloud because I apparently had no idea how to. Then I carefully spent the next hour restoring the messages on my phone. 

I was already falling asleep when I heard a ding. The process was complete. I sat up straight and stared at my phone as if it were deadly. I ran my hand through my hair and blew out my cheeks. I carefully picked it up and started reading. 

I was so close to throwing my phone on the wall across from me. I had spent the rest of the night reading each and every conversation we had. I knew it was me who sent them because I texted exactly what I'd say. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and let my head fall to my pillow. I was mentally destroyed. 

I didn't realise I fell asleep. The sun had started to peek at me through the gaps of my blinds. And as if on cue, my mother entered my room. I had a frown on my face as I gave her a long look. That didn't even affect her as her big smile remained unmoving. "Sweetie, good morning!" She exclaimed and walked to my bed and gave me a kiss on my forehead which I appreciated. She left me to myself and the thoughts of the previous night came rushing back to me. 

In my head, I couldn't remember them but they seemingly played out in front of me, I couldn't ignore that. I scrambled out of bed to get ready for the day when I felt the massive pain that ran through my head when my feet touched the floor. I was hungover. 

I cursed under my breath and reached for some aspirin on my desk and continued my preparation for the day. After the refreshing shower, I stood undecided in my closet. I had no idea what I wanted to wear. I picked out a pair of jeans but I was somehow indecisive on the shirt I was going to wear. Because I was planning on seeing her?

"Fuck it," I whispered and grabbed the nearest shirt. I shrugged it on and walked back to my room. I reached for my phone and my house key but instead, I saw a familiar set of keys. It was the keys to her house. She said she had given them to me. I left my room and went to get breakfast. 

I met my sister in the kitchen and she put a plate right in front of me, "Right on time." She said and ruffled my hair. Rude. I tried to keep a calm face as I ate breakfast. I needed her to take me to her house. I couldn't just get behind the wheel yet. So after breakfast, I helped Ari with the dishes and gave her a small smile. She caught up to what I was getting at. "What do you want, Archer?"

So I ended up filling Ari in on what was going on, she listened to me as I expressed my feelings. "I'll drive you." She said and I almost jumped for joy. Honestly, I could have just taken the bus but I felt like confiding in someone and who else than my darling sister, Ari.

Ari's car remained in the middle of the road, in front of her house. I looked up at the building and let out another breath I didn't know I was holding. I thanked Ari and started walking when she called out, "She brought you home right?" I turned and smiled weakly. 

I paused as I stood in front of her door, on her porch. I had been there before. It was a gut feeling. I reached for the key in my pocket and placed it in the keyhole. Here goes nothing. I opened the door and walked in, I closed it silently behind me. I stood still for a while taking in my surroundings. It felt familiar but I didn't recognise it, apart from the vase of flowers I had seen in a TV commercial.

I walked forward a few steps and stopped when I heard two people talking. I heard her voice and that of a man? I couldn't help the frown that crept up to my face. I peeked into the room they were in. I drew in a quick breath as I saw her. But the sight of the other human next to her left me breathless. 

Everything comes crashing to me as recognition floods my mind.  

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