Chapter 14

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©️ Emrys Noah 2021


The sun had risen from its slumber and shone greatly against both their curtains. Unfortunately, their steamy fun night had to end. Betty had to go pack and face an angry and disappointed Mae. Archer had to go back to his home in solitude. It was not a happy ending but there was hope. Both had found new hope. Betty had lived through Mae's yelling all at the same time while packing her luggage. Although after all that, Betty let the cat out of the bag by explaining to Mae the reasons behind his actions. 

Mae was reluctant to admit she was wrong but she later gave in and joined Betty in fantasising about their relationship. Betty, on the other hand, was worried extremely about that. She worried that Archer would feel so distant. He was distant normally in person so she wondered fearfully how he would be when she get home. As she lay on her bed that night, she replayed the moments they had in that car. The way his hot lips kissed her skin, she blushed about the fact that she was thinking about that. 

Archer crashed in his bed after driving painfully away from school. He almost died when he watched her walk away from his car. He didn't want her to leave, they had only got together that day and it hurt both of them that they had to separate. Archer let out a groan of pain when he read the text Betty him. 

I miss you already

He couldn't get it together to send a reply back. The next day came by. She was leaving that day. Archer muttered curses under his breath when the sun glared at him to get up. Betty was already up and ready for their departure flight. Mae on the other hand was the lazy one. She hadn't fully packed up. She had left a message for Archer which he refused to open. She hadn't left yet and Archer was already confirming her doubts. 

Archer hardly focused on his shower, he was more fixed on how to get the feeling of solitude out of his mind. He finally put his heart on the line and now he's met with her moving far away instead of meeting him halfway. I can't imagine how he'd be feeling. For the rest of the day, Archer was seen sulking around. he didn't leave the comfort of his room and his sister, Ari, was also vividly worried. 

Betilla and her people, on the other hand, made it safely into the plane that was taking them back to their hometown, their home. Betty was happy-sad to be leaving but she couldn't stay. On the way, she sought comfort from her best friend, Mae. And she also looked repeatedly at her phone to see any updates from Archer, but she got none. No surprise there. 

When the plane landed, she felt a sense of belonging. She rushed to get home. Her parents were waiting. They had really changed for the better. The bus had dropped them off at the school where their parents or guardians were waiting. Betilla saw her mother standing with a beaming smile. She ran to her for a hug.


This is the shortest chapter ever, I'm literally burnt out. I jumped into the biggest writer's block ever. AHhhhhh!

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