22. I Like Suprises

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Taylen has officially been my girlfriend for a week. After our little thing in her bathroom, we have been spending every spare minute together.

On Monday, she came over and ate dinner with my family. She ended up spending most of the time with my Mom, but that's ok. I'm glad they hit it off. Apparently, every Tuesday her dad's side of the family gets together. She told me that if I played my cards right, one day she would bring me.

On Wednesday, we both had church, so we didn't hang out that evening, but she watched basketball practice, and I drove her to her mom's house after. Last night was Thursday, and I went to her house to study for a math test and met three of her siblings, Gabe, Avery, and Cooper.

Right now, it's second hour. Right after break, we're having a pep rally for our game tonight. It's against one of the rival teams. In drivers' ed, we had free time, so I texted Tay.

To Taylen:

From Taylen:
Sorry, I can't talk. I'm in Mrs. Clay's.

To Taylen:
Oh ok. Hang out at break?

From Taylen:
Actually, I have to do something, but definitely at lunch break.

To Taylen:
Ok. Where do you have to go?

From Tay:

To Tay:
Want me to walk with you?

From Tay:

Since she couldn't talk, I watched TikTok until Mr. Luther let us go. I walked to Tay's class and waited for her. We walked to the gym with Jae and her new boyfriend, Grant. I went into Dad's office to get a granola bar while Jae and Tay went into the locker room, which was odd because she doesn't play basketball but I did not question it. I stayed in Dad's room until the bell rang.

"Students: report to the gym for Valley High's first pep rally of the year," Mrs. Stone announced.

I walked into the gym and began looking for Taylen and all of our friends, but I could only see Alex and Grant. I walked to where they were sitting and sat by them. The elementary was on one side of the bleachers, high school on the other.

"Where are the girls?" I asked them.

"You'll see," Alex responded.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, put your hands together for the Valley High cheerleaders!" Came a deep voice over the gym speakers.

Just then, the lights dimmed, a Beyonce song started playing, and the girls' locker room door opened. One girl ran out to the middle of the basketball court. Four girls ran out and began doing flips. Just as they landed, three guys ran out and flipped. Four more came out and did the splits in the air.

Lights behind the girls began flashing, and I got a good look at the girls. Taylen was front and center with a mic attached to her ear and was singing the "Who runs the world?" parts. The other girls were shouting "Girls!". They began running and doing pyramids and flips in the air. The song ended after a minute, and so did their dancing. Everyone began applauding.

The lights came back on, and I was able to see actual colors. Their uniform tops were black with the letter VHS in orange with white outlining that were cropped and showed off most their stomachs. Their black skirts were short with orange in the folds so that when they spun, they fluttered out.

"What's up, Valley?" Taylen shouted.

Everyone began cheering. I had no idea that Taylen was a cheerleader or that she could sing, for that matter.

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