36. Momma, I'm Home

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The next morning, I surprisingly woke up before Taylen. She looked so adorable when she slept. She curled herself into a ball and tucked herself into whatever was near, whether it's Tickle, the wall, or myself. She talked in her sleep and sometimes even walked.

I pulled her closer to me and took in her scent. She seemed to have two different smells. Her entire house was Thousand Wishes themed and I like that one quite a bit but there was this other one that she wears on occasion and I absolutely love it. She had it on and I couldn't stop smelling her, as weird as it sounds.

Eventually, her eyelashes began to flutter as she came to.

"Hey baby," she mumbled, still half-asleep.

"Good morning, princess," I kissed her on top of the head.

She moved around a little and turned to face me. She was much more awake now.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked her, smiling at her wrinkled nose.

"Very well. I always sleep much better in your arms. I only woke up twice and I found it very easy to go back to sleep," she told me.

I was super happy that she got a decent sleep. She told me one time that she is forever running on 2 to 4 hours everyday and that's just not healthy.

"Do you have sleep aids?" I asked.

"I take melatonin every night. I've talked to the doctors and they don't know."

"What do you do when you can't sleep?"

"Depends. Sometimes I get up and clean or bake. Other times I lay in my bed just thinking for hours. There's the rare occasion that I go crawl in bed with Carter and that's only when I have something big in the morning."

I thought it over for a few minutes. We were silent as she laid on my chest. I caressed her shoulder gently.

"Anytime you can't sleep, I want you to call me. I don't care what time, I want you to call me, okay?"

"Okay, I will."

We laid there for a while longer, the only sound was coming from our lungs.
"What do you want to do today?" she asked finally, "Julie and Carter are going out hunting."

"I don't want to do that," I said immediately.

"I don't either," she replied with a little laugh.

"What are my options?"

"We could have a spa day, or we could go to town?"

"What's a spa day?"

"It's where we do face masks, manicures and pedicures, soaks, and all sorts of things."

"That sounds good."

We laid there for a few more minutes before getting up. She had decided that she didn't want to wear pants to bed and so she was in her underwear and my shirt. It amazed me how comfortable we had gotten around each other.

She went into the bathroom to get dressed while I got dressed in the bedroom. She instructed me to dress comfy as if I was going to do anything else. She opened the door a moment later dressed in nylon shorts and a pink t-shirt. I went in and brushed my teeth as she did the same.

We made our way into the kitchen and she looked at me.

"Are you a breakfast person?" she asked.

"Eh. Momma makes it every morning and I eat it most of the time but it doesn't bother me not to eat."

"Do you want me to cook something or do you wanna wait like 2 hours and order pizza?"

"I think we should do pizza," I decided.

"Another thing about insomnia is that my eating schedule is also off," she rolled her eyes.

"That must really suck."

We got out all the supplies needed for our spa day. She was going to teach me how to paint nails. I've done my mom's a few times but it's been a long time.

We did facemasks, nails, massages, and more. We left the lake house around 3 and they dropped me off right at 6:30.

"Momma, I'm home," I called through the house.

"In here," she called back from the kitchen.

"Hey baby boy, I've missed you," she walked over and wrapped me up in a tight hug.

I missed her too. I squeezed her tight and kissed her hair.

"Did you have fun?" she asked when she drew away.

"A lot of fun."

"What did you guys do?" She went back to cutting vegetables.

"Little bit of this and that. Carter and I went hunting Saturday morning."

"Oh yeah?" she sounded surprised.

She knew about the history between Carter and I.

"Yeah..." I trailed off. I couldn't decide if I should tell Mom about Dylan.

This is super short and I apologize. One of my college classes has a huge essay due this week and I've been prioritizing that lately. I'll try to update again soon. Love you guys and I hope you have a good rest of your week.

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