56. I'm Going to Marry That Girl

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@srilekhapasupuleti     I unintentionally lied to you about last chapter being the last one of the DD topic for a while. This really is the last one for at least a couple chapters. Thanks for reading!! :)

A few days later, I was on FaceTime with Tay. We were going back to school the next day, and she was helping me with the English homework I had been given to do over the break. Dad walked in.

"Peter, we need to talk."

That's not good.

"I'm on the phone and doing homework, can it wait?" I asked with some attitude.

"Lose the 'tude. I suppose it can wait, come find me when you're done."

"Yes sir," I replied, still having an attitude.

He rolled his eyes and walked out of my room.

"Peter," Tay said disapprovingly.

I widened my eyes and "I know, sorry."

We spent another 30 minutes working on stupid English. When am I going to need to know the correct usage of a and an?!?

When we finished, we hung up, and I went to find Dad. He was at the kitchen table working on new plays.

"Ready to talk now?" he asked, now is the one with attitude.

"Can you tell me what about so I can prepare?" I asked, trying to be funny.

"Your weekend at the Sanders' house," he deadpanned.

"Ok?" was the only response I gave.

"Did you have fun?" he asked.

"Yeah," I replied, confused on why he made this conversation sound so serious.

"Well, I heard the weirdest thing earlier, any idea what it was?"



"Cody was telling me about how you were having a hard time sitting down when you went over there on Sunday. He told me I got you really good for drinking, except, I didn't whip you, and neither did your mom. Of course, my next thought was who did and why right?"

My eyes got big as I realized where this was going. I hadn't even considered that he would find out like this.

"I called Jason and asked him if he spanked you. Lemme tell you, that was an embarrassing conversation. I was trying to figure out who spanked my kid," he shook his head and laughed a little.

"Do you know what he told me?" Dad asked me still laughing.

"No sir."

"Jason told me I needed to talk to you about it. So here we are, Peter, who whipped you this weekend? I know it wasn't me, your mom, or Jason. There are not very many other options."

I was inwardly panicked. I really didn't want to tell him the real story.

"Peter... I could always spank it out of you," he was getting really impatient.

Another moment of silence passed.

"Alright," he said and pushed back from the table.

I began to panic even more. I didn't want a spanking, but I didn't want to tell him either.

"No, I don't want a spanking," I exclaimed.

I admit, it sounded extremely childish.

"Then tell me who gave you a spanking last weekend," he said sternly, losing his patience for me.

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