*Absolute Last PLS READ!!*

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Hey guys it's Timi :] alright I'm sick of going on this and writing in it and I'm sure you all are too lol but I just wanted to answer the question I get asked everyday (not kidding) whether it's on my message board, through pm, or a comment on.a story, the answer is YES there will be a sequel to Dress Me :]!!! I'm excited to start working with my sissy again! And hopefully you guys are excited to read it!

Now, I know yall heard about the news with Zayn /: it sucks and it puts a hole in the sequel a bit but that's not going to stop us lol

We support the decision Zayn's made and wish him the best of luck! (It stings less to talk about him rn)

So yeah, it'll take us a minute to get on it (not that long trust me) but it WILL be done!!

We love yall and hope you all will enjoy it! :] xx

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