The Faux Gentleman

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The rest of that night consisted of the boys running around London, taking pictures with random fans and trying to walk back to the hotel; I was trying to stay alive. The girls would huddle up then crowd around every building they walked near. I think I even saw some in the trash bin, opening the lid to get a picture of the boys every now and then. I watched their faces carefully and it seemed as if this was something normal for them. Harry would put his arm around my waist, helping me walk faster and I could feel the jealousy from the group of teenage girls.

"You have to walk faster, Liah." Harry warned me, trying to keep his cool. It was hard for me to pay attention because these girls were screaming their brains out but I obliged, power walking to keep up with his long legs.

"Harry have my babies." I mocked under my breath but one of the guards heard me, holding in his laugh to maintain his 'macho man' persona. We were close to clearing the fans, that's until an object came flying, knocking me right upside my head and covering me in fluids. I turned to face the direction it came from to find a girl smirking, folding her arms. My hair and top half of my outfit were drenched in soda. The boys came over to dry me off, all except one.

My eyes fell on the laughing Bradford boy who was enjoying every moment of this. He didn't stop there, oh no, he rushed over to the girl and briefly wrapped an arm around her. Liam gave me an apologetic look, which I smiled to but internally, I felt like crap.

I haven't even worked with them for a month and already the fans are throwing more than just shade at me. _____________________________________________________________________________________

My eyes fluttered open to the gorgeously lit room; The gold decorations shining as the sunlight hit them. As I removed the satin duvet off me, I wiped my eyes, when something popped into my head. Usually it's dark out when I wake up to work but the sun is shining nice and bright. Which could only mean...

"Maliah, wake your arse up!" I heard a voice shout while bamming on the door. It took me a minute to realize it was Niall. I quickly stood up, instantly regretting it from the shooting headache that came after, running towards the door. He slid in, leaning against the door frame, looking at me like I was crazy person.

"Ya know what time it is?" He asked but it came out as a sentence. I opened my mouth to talk but he continued. "It's almost 8 in the morning." My eyes widened, pushing Niall away from the door and sprinting down the hallway. I am almost 2 hours late! He attempted to tell me something but my only reply was for him to keep up. I dodged people, shoved a few people, even jumped over plants to make it to the arena. It's not like me to over-sleep and I was hoping Caroline could some how forgive me.

I threw the double doors open, running towards the stage that had 4/5 of the band members, including the drummer, Josh and bass guitarist, Sandy, that sat on the edge of it. They darted their eyes in my direction, wearing a face of shock as I finally reached the front row of the seats. I grabbed my chest, trying to catch my breath when I heard Niall behind me.

"I was trying to," Niall said in between breaths. He raised his hand up, trying to regain his breathing. "tell you that you should have looked in the mirror." He fell into one of the arena chairs, completely drained. Poor little Irish lad. I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering why he suggested that.

"Liah, are you just now waking up?" Harry asked, jumping off the edge and walking in my direction. I bit the inside of my cheek, closing my eyes, slowly nodding my head.

"Well, I mean, you can tell." Louis muttered but due to his mic, we were all able to hear. As if it was timed, they collectively started laughing until they were red in the face. Even Harry couldn't help but laugh. I tilted my head, only for ashes to escape the top of my head. I grabbed Harry's phone, clicking the camera app, regretting it as soon as it opened.

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