Chapter 3 - The Message

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Courtney's POV

The sun began to shine through the thin white curtains as the dawn was rising, slowly warming the room I had been put into. I shifted as the light came across my face, letting out a soft moan. I blinked open my eyes at the sunlight and stretched, expecting to find myself back in my room. However, when my vision cleared, I remembered what happened and where I was.

I had been able to relax a bit when that man had left, locking the door behind him. I huffed a bit as I realized that I didn't know his name still. Upon going over to the closet, I was greeted with a sight that I wasn't sure whether to feel comfortable with or unnerved by. It was full of clothes, female clothes, and they were all either close to or exactly my size.

Being worn out from everything that had happen, I didn't think that long on it last night. I had chosen simple knee-length shorts, a light purple tank top, and a thin cream hooded jacket over top. After sliding under the covers, I had laid there for some time just staring at the ceiling. I'm not sure when, but at some point exhaustion and sleep got a hold of me.

Now here I lay, in a strange bed, in a strange house, with a strange man somewhere nearby. Just this thought alone was enough to make me feel sick. All I wanted was to get out of here. And the quicker I could do that, the better.

I stiffened as I heard footsteps coming in the hall, nearing my door. I lay still on my side, hearing the door knob being unlocked and opened. I didn't dare move for a moment. 

"Wake up, Blondie." I heard the sleep slurred voice and immediately knew that it was the man from last night. "I've got work for you to do downstairs." Hearing this, I sat up a bit, supporting myself on my elbows. Now I saw that I was right.

He leaned on the door frame, the wood supporting his muscular frame. His blonde, brunette mixed hair was tangled from sleep and he stood rubbing his eyes. For a moment, he didn't seem so threatening. However, last night was still very much fresh in my mind.

My gaze turned into one of confusion as I looked at him. "Work?" The last thing I wanted was to become a slave or servant while I was being held here. I shivered at the thought.

"Yes, work. Turns out my buddies decided to make a mess of my house and take off before bothering to clean it up. So now you're the one who's going to be down there with me getting the house back to normal." He crossed his arms over his chest, his gaze settling on me.

I ran a hand through my bed tangled hair, shifting a bit as his gaze swept over my form. I wanted to smack the cocky smirk that appeared on his lips, but before I could say anything he continued. "Besides, after we clean up, you're going to make contact with Daniel."

I brought my knees casually up to my chest under the blanket, wrapping my arms around them. "And how exactly am I suppose to do that?" I asked innocently, but hearing the edge that came in my voice. "I don't have a phone anymore, and he might not be so quick to answer an unknown number." I doubted this was really a worry for this man, seeing that he didn't seem to mind just how long I would have to stay.

He chuckled softly before raising an eyebrow at me. "True, you may not have your phone, but I memorized his number so it's not a problem," he stated. "And do you know what a burner phone is?" My simple head shake and confused gaze was answer enough for him.

"It's a phone that is untraceable and can mimic any collar I.D." He explained further. "But I'm not going to be the one calling him. I'm just going to send a simple text with an audio attachment of you telling him to give us the money." He smirked seemingly proud of himself. I clenched my teeth to keep from making a retort towards him. "Now, get up and meet me downstairs."

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