Chapter 9 - Quiet Information

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Hunter's POV

I felt the selfish side of me take hold when I heard what John had to say. Daniel wanted to talk to Courtney. He wanted to hear from her. Why would he need that? He already had once. What more does he need as proof? I tossed the weight of my decision in my head. If I keep Courtney from talking to Daniel, it means that she'll be here with me longer.

That's when I realized what I was doing. Even through my attempts to distance any feelings from her, I have managed to get myself stuck in a trap. I wanted her here; I wanted her with me. Even the thoughts of her being with someone else, with Daniel, was enough to make my heart flip.

However, I never once wondered what Courtney would be feeling on this subject. Honestly, I never even asked or hinted towards it. For all I know, she could be waiting to get out of here, ready to go to pretty boy.

"Courtney, are you alright?" Alex's voice snatched me from my thoughts and my gaze snapped up to land on her form. She stood there, leaning against the wall with a hand on her forehead. She looked sort of weak all of a sudden, and unaware of where she was. She seemed so deep in thought that it was obvious she hadn't heard Alex.

Worry coursed through my veins as I quickly made my way to her. I stood in front of her, my hand gently touching her arm. "Courtney?" I asked softly. She jumped a bit and her gaze snapped to mine, looking as if she was seeing me for the first time. "Are you okay?" I was unable to hide the worry in my voice.

Her eyebrows furrowed slightly as she looked at me, as if trying to figure something out. This confused me greatly, but not as much as her dropping her gaze once more and merely nodding that she was alright. This only heightened my worry.

I opened my mouth to ask her what was wrong, but Alex interrupted me. "Why don't you guys go talk about this outside?" He suggested, "I'll stay here with Courtney." That was when I realized what might be bothering her. Was it my decision about her talking to Daniel?

I had no intention of leaving Courtney's side, but I felt John come over and grab my shoulder. I could have kicked myself for not thinking of her first. I reluctantly nodded then John practically pulled me out the door as I resisted the urge to look back at Courtney.

John's POV

I couldn't believe what I was doing. There I was, practically dragging my boss, the leader of the gang, out the door like a sulking puppy. It was ridiculous and yet I knew that if I didn't, he would have never left Courtney's side. He's gotten himself in deep.

Once outside, I looked around for a moment, taking in the backyard as I did. I had to let Hunter get his thoughts together and I had to figure out exactly what I was going to say to him this time. The air was crisp with the feel of summer, the sky clear, and the birds chirping. I heard Hunter breath in.

Turning back to him, I noticed he was running his hand through his hair, a concerned look on his face. Oh boy. I could see this wasn't going to be easy. The sooner this is figured out, the better.

"Adams," I began, "what are you playing at?" His head snapped up as I used his last name, something I didn't often do. His green eyes were full of regret and worry, though I expected to see that.

"What are you talking about?" he asked as he shifted his weight, clearly uncomfortable. "I'm not playing at anything." This wasn't working for him in the least. I could see straight through his excuses. I had seen this all before.

Sighing, I lifted a hand and gently grabbed the bridge of my nose, shutting my eyes and slightly lowering my head. "Hunter, I get that you might be starting to care for her, more than need be," I said, causing his breath to softly hitch. He didn't object, however, and I knew it was true. "I understand it and I can clearly see why. She's pretty, beautiful really, nice, caring, and tons of fun to be with." I let my hand drop and opened my eyes to look at him.

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