Chapter 25

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Katrina looked in the mirror which seemed like the fiftieth time to make sure everything was in place for her date with Kevin. So many thoughts were running through her head that night she met him at the hardware store. She realized that her love for Kevin was stronger than anything in the world and knew she couldn't bring herself to kill him. By this action, she knew it was certain death by her father. She didn't care... All she wanted was him.

Kevin on the other was a nervous wreck... Avi watched his best friend pace back and forth making a groove into the floor while inhaling his BBQ.

"Dude, calm the hell down!!! Everything is going to work out fine..."

"I want everything to be perfect..." He went to the mirror again to make sure the outfit he was wearing was ok. He wore a long sleeved white shirt with a black pattern on the left shoulder, black slacks and black patent leather shoes. His hair was closely shaven and he wore a small gold chain with the pack's crest. Kevin sighed and started to rub his temples. After Avi sucked his fingers of barbeque sauce (wish they were my fingers... and I digress...LOL) he went to his brother.

"Kevin... Look at me... EVERYTHING will be fine... She's your mate and if you placed a plate of pickles in front of her, she will love you just the same." Kevin let out a breath and shook his head in agreement.

"You're right... Thanks man..." He grabbed Avi and hugged him tightly.

"Of course I'm right... I'm always right!" Kevin bust out laughing but quickly stopped when there was a knock at the door.

"Breathe and be yourself... I'm out!!! By the way, keep the sexy noises to a minimum please, I don't have time for all of that..." Avi winked and dodged the pillow that was thrown at his head while heading out to the other part of the pack house.

Kevin exhaled but was once again entranced by the scent of Jasmine Vanilla as he walked to the door. When he opened the door, his mouth with slacked as his mate stood in front of him. Katherine was wearing a form fitting t-strap black dress, small rose blush pearls with matching earrings and bracelet. Her hair was swooped to the side in a creative bun and was wearing clear high heels. They stood in front of each other and slowly took each other in. The love was building between the both of them.

"Hi Kevin..."

"Hi..." The only thing Kevin was able to say and mentally slapped himself because he sounded like a five year old.

"I'm sorry...Please come in... You look amazing..."

"Thank you... You look very handsome yourself..." Making Kevin blush as if that was even possible.

"Please sit down... Did you have trouble finding the pack house?"

"No it was fairly easy. This place is huge..."

"Scott spared no money when he built this place for all of us..."

"Thanks for the invite... I'm really glad I came..."

"Me too..." Kevin leaned in and placed a small kiss on her cheek. Katherine giggled like a school girl.

The night when on as Katherine and Kevin talked about their backgrounds although she picked and chose what she wanted to tell him. She realized that she wanted to be with Kevin no matter what the consequences and at the moment she chose to defy her father. He caused enough grief in her life by killing her mother, brothers and sisters and forcing her to kill Jonathan. Why she remained faithful to the sadistic man was unfathomable. She was so lost in thought that she didn't realize that Kevin was calling her.

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