Chapter 28

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Tori went to check on Joey.  She was still hospitalized due to her nervous breakdown and the doctors kept her little longer just for observation.  She let out of soft gasp of all the machines that were hooked up to her baby.  Todrick was in the bed sleeping with Joey holding him tightly.  His face was covered with dry salty tears from all of the crying he was doing.  Tori carefully lifted a chair as not to wake Todd and moved it closer to the bed.  She took Joey’s hand into her on and kissed the top of it.  He looked so helpless.  His skin was had a sallow color to it and his eyes looked sunken in.  His hand felt cold to the touch which made her tear up even more.

“Baby, please you need to wake up… Mommy needs you here with her. You cannot leave me…” She pleaded through the mind link.  She looked at him for some sign of movement or acknowledgement. Nothing…  She bust out in tears causing Todrick to stir.  When he saw his mom, he rushed to her side.

“I’m sorry Mama, this is my fault…”

“No it’s not.  You didn’t know this was going to happen…” She hugged her oldest as if her life depended on it.  Todd just melted in her arms and began to cry even though he felt he couldn’t shed anymore tears.

They held each other in silence just listening to the machines beep trying to keep Joey in the land of the living. 

“Alex where are you??”

“I’m with Scott… Zayn kidnapped Mitch!!”

“OMG!!! What’s Scott going to do??"

“We’re working on a plan now… Katrina is here…”

“Katrina??? What is she doing there???”

“It’s complicated… I’ll explain later… How’s my baby boy??”

“The same… The doctors are not keeping their hopes up…”

“Don’t worry… Joey is strong, he’ll pull through…”

“What if he doesn’t??”

“Tori don’t think like that… For me… Please don’t think like that… He needs to pull through…” Tori can sense the pain her husband was going through. Joey was Alexander’s pride and joy.  They thought they lost him when Tori went into labor.  He wasn’t breathing when he was born and the doctors and nurses were working frantically to get him to breathe.  Alexander took his son and nestled him against his chest and started humming.  By some miracle, Joey let out a loud cry and started to breathe on his own.  Since that day, Alexander was always over protective when it came to his youngest. Tori knows this is tearing him apart.

“Baby I love you…”

“I love you more… I’ll come there when we’re done here…”

“No… Stay with Scott… He needs you… We’ll be fine…” She closed the mind link and placed her focus back to both of her sons.  All of a sudden all the machines starting beeping very quickly and Joey started convulsing in his bed. 

“JOEY!!!!” The doctors and nurses rushed in screaming code blue.  Tori and Todrick watched in horror as they worked on him. 


“Ma’am you need to wait outside…”

“NO!!! I’M NOT LEAVING MY BABY!!!”  She struggled to get out of Todrick’s arms to get to her son.

“MAMA PLEASE!!! LET THE DOCTORS WORK ON JOEY!!!” Todrick pulled his mom out of the room.


“WHAT’S GOING ON?!?!?!?!”




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