Chapter 32

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I see my lovely husband and the kids lying in the field looking at the clouds. They're trying to make out the formations in the sky...

"Mama!!! Mama!!!"

"Yes baby???"

"That one looks like a rabbit..."

"You know what??? It certainly does..."

"Nuh uh... That's not a rabbit... It's a lion..."

"No!!! It's a puppy!!!"




"You're stupid!"

"Nooo... YOU'RE stupid!!!"

"Both of you are stupid!!!"

"What did I tell all of you about calling each other names???" My three little ones looked at Mitch with those adorable pouty faces and he was failing miserably to hold his ground...

"Sorry Mama..." All three said in unison.

"Hey what is going on out here???"

"Daddy!!!" They all run to me. I changed into my wolf form so they can hop on my back and I can take them for a ride. I go up to Mitch and give him an eskimo kiss with my snout and purred as he ran his fingers through my thick fur.

"Let's go daddy!!! Giddy up!!" The kids are laughing and screaming and telling me to go faster. I love my family. Mitch is a wonderful mother and an awesome husband. I have the best of both worlds.

I shift back into my human form and walk back with everyone in all of my naked glory and I see Mitch looking at me with lust in eyes and I just wink at him which makes him blush. As we were walking back to the pack house, I started to get an uneasy feeling. As if we were being watched. I shook it off and I pulled Mitch closer to me. He started to sing a song and the children started singing their parts along with him. Then all of sudden... Silence... I look around and our babies are gone!!!!

"Mitch where are the kids?!?!?!? Mitch??? Mitch!!!"

A hand catches my throat and I'm being lifted off the ground.

"Hello Vladimir..."

"You son of a bitch!!! Where are Mitch and my babies?!?!?!!!" The look in his eyes shook me to my very core. He then looked over to the field and my eyes followed to his line of sight. What I saw before me no man should ever witness. My babies... Mitch... Dead...

"See you soon Hybrid..."

I felt hands shaking me awake and my name being called.

"Scott it's just a nightmare!!!" It was Avi yelling in my face.

Sweat is pouring down my face along with my tears as I try to get a grasp on where I am. I'm still in my bedroom when Avi makes the next statement...

"We're ready to leave Alpha..."

"Let's go kill that son of a bitch!!!"

BloodLust (Scomiche)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя