Chapter 2

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"Don't make this any harder than it has to be..."

"Who are you?!???!!"

"You'll find out soon enough lil' rabbit..."

"Please... Leave me alone..."

"I can't..."


I didn't hear any movement anymore... I'm safe...


I woke up screaming at the top of my lungs and thrashing around in my bed until I fall to the floor... Sweat was pouring down my body and tears running down my face. My roommate Kirstie barged into my room grabbing my arms. "MITCH, MITCH, IT'S ME!!!" She kept shaking me until I came to my senses.

"Babe, are you all right??"

"Uh.. Yeah.."

"What were you dreaming about sweetie??"

I don't even want to remember or even talk about it. Those piercing blue eyes seemed all too real. It really scared the shit out of me. We both climbed back into my bed and Kirstie just held me until my breathing returned to normal. She started humming because she knows that always calms me down. Kirstie finally let go and then I rested my head in her lap and she ran her fingers through my hair.


"Yeah... A little bit..."

"Must've been a really fucked up dream.." She stated matter of factly.

"That's an understatement.." I chuckled out.

"Well... I hope this next bit of news will brighten your mood."

I turned my head upwards to face her. I saw the excitement in her face and I'm wondering what this was about.

"You remember that contest I entered to see my favorite band Bloodlust..." Eyes lighting up like a kid on Christmas Day.

"Well... GUESS WHO WON?!?!!" Jumping up and down on my bed, not even taking into consideration that she just knocked me out of it tumbling to the floor AGAIN.

"Oh my God!!! Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry!!" Coming to my aid and placing my head back in her lap. We both started giggling...

"Ok, so you won... Now what??"

"You're coming with me!!!!"

"Oh no Kirst, you know I don't care for that kind of music..." Says the same person who wishes Rökysopp and Sophie was his parents in another life.

"Mitchie please???" Batting those adorable eyes at me.

"No pumpkin... I do not want to go to some concert and listen to some dude screaming into the mic until his vocal cords explode..."

"I'll buy you some earplugs..." she says sheepishly... "Plus, have you seen the lead singer???" She runs out to get her phone to show me the picture.

His face was chiseled to perfection like one of those runway models. His teeth were white as snow and aligned perfectly and has this devilish smile that kind of made me feel tingles in my lower region. His cheekbones were not set to high, pronounced chin but not too protruding and his skin looked FLAWLESS!!! His body... How can I describe it??? Well, have you seen the latest photo spread of Nick Jonas??? Got the visual yet??? YOU'RE WELCOME... He had curly blonde shoulder length hair with some just draping over his one of his eyes which gave him this bad boy image. Everything about him was PERFECT!!! Those eyes... My breathing started to hitch. The same ones I saw in my dream. They were blue like a raging storm in the ocean piercing me to my very soul. "I'm coming for you lil' rabbit & I WILL claim you as mine..." I was so lost in his eyes that I didn't realize Kirstie was calling my name.

"Mitch... MITCH!!! Honey are you OK?

"Uh... Yeah... I have to admit he's a definite looker.." I say trying to conceal my fear & control my breathing again which I probably failed at by the way.

"Are you sure? You look like you've seen a ghost or something..." Her eyes showing concern.

"No... I'm fine.." I need coffee with at least five shots of expresso or a double shot of tequila, maybe both.

It's like Kirstie read my mind... "I'll buy you Starbucks for a week if you go with me... PLEEAASSSEE?!?!!" How can I NOT turn that offer down?

"Ok, OK!! I'll go..." Kirstie jumped on me causing us to fall on the floor ONE MORE DAMN TIME!!!

Maybe I should invest in one of those Japanese beds that are low to the ground seeing that I'm getting well aquainted with the floor.



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