Chapter 5

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I want to dedicate this chapter to the following:

@EgoSolumque, @mariian1, & @PTX_Pentaholic99. WATTPAD is not allowing me to add three people at the same time...UGH!

They have been supporting me since I started writing this... *muah*


"ALEXANDER!!!! PLEASE GET MY SON OUT OF HERE!!!!" Papa trying to push me into his arms while trying to get his armor on.

"PAPA, I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE YOU!!!" I scream clinging to his body.

"YOU MUST SON!!! YOU HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY KILL YOU!!" He kisses my forehead and hugs me so tightly.

"THERE'S THE HYBRID!!!! KILL HIM" I see the soldiers start charging towards me.

TAKE MY SON OUT OF HERE!!!!! THANK YOU MY BROTHER, PLEASE TAKE CARE OF MY BOY!" Tears streaming down his face and kisses me for the last time.

"I WILL GIVE HIM MY LIFE TO KEEP HIM SAFE MY LORD!!!" I felt Alexander whisk me up in his arms and carry me away.

"REMEMBER THAT I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU" He said before the soldiers overpowered him.

"PAPA NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Trying to fight out of Alexander's arms to get to my father.

I woke up in a cold sweat. I ran my hand through my messy hair and sighed. That was the last image I saw of my papa as he was dragged down the hall. I didn't realize tears were streaming down my face. I miss them so much. I placed my head in my hands. There was a knock on the door.

"Alpha, there's an Alexander Kirk here to see you..." one of my pack members said through the door.

"Could you take him to the study and let him know I'll be down in a few minutes?" I asked.

"Yes sir..." Then I heard footsteps recede down the hall. I got out of bed and threw on some baggy sweats and a tank and headed to the study.

"Uncle... How are you???" I went to Alexander and embraced him a warm hug.

"I'm good. How are you holding up? You look tired." Looking at the lines in my face with the love a father has for his son.

"You know getting ready for the concert next week." Knowing my lie would not convince this man.

"If you say so... You do realize who your talking to and I know when you're lying to me, right??" Uncle and his powers. He has the ability to feel emotion. He's like a walking lie detector test. You can just imagined what my childhood was like.

"Just another nightmare..." I sighed.

"Same one???" I nodded.

"You know how much your father and mother loved you, especially Vlad. You were his pride and joy and that's why he gave his life to save you." He smiled.

"I know Uncle... I know... So what's the reason for the visit???"

"What??? I can't visit my famous nephew???" he chuckled.

"I found my mate..." Alexander's eyebrow raised and I saw a crooked smile form.

"Well my boy, why isn't he here???" He pondered.

"I can't bring him here yet until the full moon which is the night of the concert next week. Then I will let him know that's he my mate... I will mark and mate with him officially making him mine..." My wolf started to purr at the thought.

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