Chapter 13

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"THEY FOUND HIM!!!" Auntie Tori screamed into the phone.

"Joey's alive?!!??! Where??!?!? What was his condition when they found him???"

"YES!!!! Two pedestrians found him on the side of the road... Oh Scotty!!! My baby's alive!!!" I could hear the tears of joy. "He was pretty banged up but he's alive and that's all that matters to me!!! We're on our way to the hospital now. Please come and bring Mitch!!!" And then she hung up.

As much as I want to be happy that he was found, I have a nagging feeling that something isn't right. Mitch came into the room wearing a tank and some skinny jeans that were hugging all the right places. My wolf started to stir... "Down boy..." I ordered. "Nope... Not happening..." I started to feel him take over. "Oh no you don't... We will have him when we come back from visiting Joey..." Trying to compromise with him and sooth his ego. "Cockblocker, that's what YOU are..." My wolf laid down in a huff growling lowly.

"Hey babe, what's going on??" He came over to sit on my lap licking the last part of his ice cream off the spoon which made me have to adjust myself so he wouldn't notice "Mr. Happy" starting to awaken.

"That was Auntie Tori and she said they found Joey..."
"That's awesome babe!!! When are we going to see him???"

"I think you should stay here..." Mitch looked at me quizzically. "Something's not right about this... Joey disappears for God knows how long and then he just magically reappears... With Zayn in the picture now, I don't want you in harm's way." I nuzzled my head in his neck and started sucking causing a small moan leave Mitch's lips. My wolf started grinning.

"Nice diversion but I'm still going with you..." He turned to straddle me and returned the favor by nibbling on my earlobe. "Let's hear his story before you jumped to conclusions..." He said in between leaving kisses along my jawline to my lips while starting to grind on my hips. Sneaky devil...

A low growl slipped past my lips. "Yeah... ok..." I managed to get out. "We better leave or we're never getting there until tomorrow." I reluctantly pulled him off my lap and started getting ready to leave out.

"Ok Kev... Just play the cello on that last part of the verse and we should be all set this time." Jonathan spoke into the mic. Kevin gave a thumbs up and waited for the mixer to replay the track.

When they were finished, Jonathan gave Kevin a bear hug and told him to give Scott his sincerest apologies for not coming to the celebration. He nodded and left to go help finish with the move.

Jonathan went to his office to sign off a few contracts and look over Bloodlust's schedule for the upcoming appearances in the next few weeks before touring starts again. He sat backed and sighed with his head resting in both of his hands. He couldn't bring himself to do it... His father has been searching for Scott all these years because someone fell in love with his mother and she ran away with him. That man has done nothing to deserve this psychopath's wrath. Jonathan never agreed with the laws that were set up between his kind and the vampires and thought they were archaic and outdated. He was considered the black sheep of the family because of his views and never living up to his father's expectations. One of Zayn's spies found out about the location of the hybrid living in California but couldn't provide a name or a description of him so Jonathan made the vow of finding him. He discovered that Scott was the hybrid and his half-brother when he overheard the three arguing during the tech rehearsal for the concert. Jonathan knew it meant his death because he swore at that second to protect him at any cost. He loved Scott because not only was he a wonderful Alpha, but always felt there was a connection, but didn't realize the reason why until now.
Jonathan was so lost in thought that he wasn't aware that someone was standing in front of him.

"Andrew..." Katrina greeted her brother with a half-smile. He tensed up at the mention of his birth name. (Jonathan changed his name because he didn't want anything to do with the family any more...)

"What brings you to Los Angeles sister??" He asked calmly.

"Father would like to send his condolences on your untimely death..."

"Tell father I said thank you..."

"He feels that you're not doing your job efficiently and I'm here to terminate your position..." Katrina stated coldly.

"I told him that I don't know who the hybrid is..."

"I don't believe you..."

"Well Katrina... It doesn't matter what you believe seeing that you're still nothing but father's bitch that jumps at his command when he snaps his fingers." He felt the painful sting from his sister's slap.

"Who's the hybrid Andrew?"

"Just kill me because you're never going to find out who our brother is..." Katrina looked at Jonathan who was standing face to face to her with pure repulsion and hatred.

"So be it... Let's end this lovely family reunion shall we???"

Katrina pulled out a silver coated knife and plunged into Jonathan's throat. He fell to the ground screaming and blood gurgling out of his neck. She wiped the blood off on his shirt and was about to walk out the door until she saw a figure standing there...


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