Chapter 30

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I woke up with a splintering headache and I felt very cold. Where am I? How long have I been here??? I started to get up to feel around until I felt something heavy on my neck and wrists. Chains??? I looked around but it was too dark to make out the room. I started rubbing my belly to calm my nerves. All of a sudden the memories started flooding back... Zayn has me!!! I started screaming hysterically for Scott until I heard the deadbolt unlock.
"Good Morning Honey..." Zayn started walking towards me and went to caress my cheek but I slapped his hand away.
"Get away from me!! Where am I and where's Scott?"
"Your new home darling and your mongrel??? He's not coming for you..." I shook my head vigorously in disbelief.
"That's not true... Stop lying to me..."
"Oh but it is... You're mine and there's nothing you can do about it..." Zayn came over and I try to back myself so far into the wall I wanted to disappear. He grabbed me and turned me around so my back was lying on his chest. I felt his hot breath on my neck. I cringed as he bit my earlobe.
"The things I'm going to do to you... After I'm done, Scott will be an afterthought..." I tried not to vomit as his tongue ran down my neck.
"I will never belong to you..." I said as hot tears started streaming down my face. I only belong to Scott. I will kill myself and my babies before I let this animal touch me. He held me closer and I felt his hands exploring my chest taking my nipple into his hand while the other one started to travel down to my c0ck. I head-butted him which caused him to fall back to the cold floor. I kicked him in the side as I tried to get away but was yanked back from the chains.
"You thought you can actually get away from me!!!" Zayn grabbed me off the floor with the chain around my neck and I was dangling gasping for air. I was feeling light headed from the lack of oxygen.
"Please... Don't hurt my babies... Please let me go!!! I can't breathe!!!"
"Now why do I want to do that??? Those abominations shouldn't even be allowed in this world anyway..." I was pulling desperately on the chain so I can breathe...
"Are you going to play nice?" I nodded "yes" and fell to the floor. I was gasping for air as Zayn started to kneel in front of me.
"Very good... Pet... I'm going to have so much fun with you..." I cringed at those words. Zayn turned on his heels and walked out. I heard the deadbolt which sealed my fate. I rubbed my belly as I felt my babies move.
"It's ok... Mommy's here... Daddy is coming to get us... I promise... I promise that I will not let anything happen to you..." The moving slowed down a little as I started to sing a lullaby to them.
"Sleep, baby, sleep
Your father tends the sheep
Your mother shakes the dreamland tree
And from it fall sweet dreams for thee
Sleep, baby, sleep
Sleep, baby, sleep
Sleep, baby, sleep
Our cottage vale is deep
The little lamb is on the green
With snowy fleece so soft and clean
Sleep, baby, sleep
Sleep, baby, sleep..."

"Scott... Please hurry..."

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