Chapter 27

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With his vampire speed, Alexander grabbed Zayn by the throat and lifted him off the floor. His eyes were a burning crimson red and the anger that was spewing from his body made Zayn flinched.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BOY?!?!??!" Alexander sneered.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." Zayn laughing wickedly between gasps which only Alexander tightened his grip around his neck.

"LIAR!!!!" He slammed Zayn up against the wall and continued to add pressure to his neck. Zayn started to smile evilly at Alexander. He placed his hands to give himself to try and catch his breath.

"If you kill me now... Scott will NEVER know where his precious mate is" Alexander looked stunned... He let go and Zayn dropped to the floor coughing trying to catch his breath.

"Where is Mitch???"

"I know Scott is the hybrid and if he doesn't want anything happen to his love, give him this..." He hands Alexander a piece of paper and left his study.

Alexander slumped in his chair and started to put the pieces together. He pushed everything on the desk off making it slam against the wall. He realized his son was pawn in Zayn's twisted plan and now his son was in limbo knocking at death's door. He raced out of his study straight to Scott's pack house.


Scott bust through the door screaming Mitch's name through their mind link with Avi and Kevin hot on his heels.

He sniffed the air and realizes there was another scent in the room. His wolf was howling in sadness because their mate was missing.

"Alpha what happened??" Avi shifted back and looking around the room. There were small traces of blood where Mitch was sitting. Scott went to the chair and inhaled his scent and dropped to the floor and let out a loud howl. The other pack members let out howls signaling their distress for their Alpha.

"Alpha, I need you to take a look at this..." Kevin said and handed him the IPad. Scott shifted back and the three watched as Zayn attacked Mitch and carried him off.

"Who is it Scott?" Before he could answer Alexander came through the door.

"It's Zayn..." Scott's anger rose from every inch of his body.

"He found out??? How??? HOW!?!?!?!" He started to lung towards his uncle and it took everything in Avi's and Kevin's power to hold him back.

"I'm sorry Scott..."

"HOW?!?!?!?!" Scott fell to the floor and started crying hysterically. Alexander rushed to his side and held him close.

"It was Joey... He was using him... He must've figured out that I knew your whereabouts. I finally told Tori of your true identity... Todrick overheard our conversation and told Joey... I'm so sorry Scott..." He said as tears fell from his eyes.

"Where is Zayn now???" Alexander handed him the piece of paper. Scott took it from him and read aloud what was on it...

"Hello Prince Vladimir I've been searching for you for a long very time. I'm so glad I finally found you. I met your mate Mitch and needless to say, he is exquisite. He loves you a great deal. I would hate to break the bond between you two, but if you don't follow my instructions to the letter... I will not have any problem breaking that bond. You will come alone to my castle where I'm keeping your beloved. If you bring anyone, I will not hesitate to snap Mitch's neck. You have two days... In the meantime, your mate and I will get to know each other a little better. TWO DAYS!!!!

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