Chapter 16

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Three days later Scott and Avi buried Jonathan, Kevin was still under sedation. The service was very sweet and simple. Scott sung "I See Fire" by Ed Sheeran seeing that was his favorite song from the movie "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug" and Avi did the eulogy. While listening to his speech, I happened to look over and saw a figure standing by a tree. She had a solemn look on her face which made me wonder if she knew Jonathan. When we made eye contact, she immediately retreated in the other direction to a black car. Scott looked in the direction I was facing.

"Babe, everything ok??"

"Yeah... I saw a woman standing by a tree watching the funeral."

"Where did she go?"

"When we made eye contact, she turned and entered a black car and it drove off..."

Scott only nodded and pulled me in closer to him. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek. A small smile appeared on his face. It's been rough for him because he doesn't know where the Zayn is, Joey's still in the hospital in a coma, Kevin is hurt and now Jonathan. He's been putting up a good front as not to worry the pack members, but everyone has a breaking point. As we lay in our bed at night, I can hear his sniffles and I would just hold him and sing to him. He says it always calm him down.

Once everything was over, we headed back to the house. Kirstie stood at the door with open arms and gave one of her "mommy hugs" to Scott and Avi. Those two (in spite of her horny need to hump him) have become the best of friends. Avi saw her as his little sister and vice versa, she never left his side since Kevin was placed in ICU. While Avi and Scott went off to discuss some things, I went to Kirstie's room to have our usual junk food night. I know she's been feeling neglected because we don't hang out like we used to.

"How's my Kit Kat?" asking while scooping out a huge amount Ben & Jerry's Almond Pecan Ice Cream into my bowl.

"I'm ok..." Her answer wasn't very convincing. I watched her carefully as she grabbed a Krispy Kreme glazed donut out of the box.

"Talk to me... What's wrong?"

"It's like your drifting away from me. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you and Scott but I hardly see you anymore..." I opened my arms and gave her the biggest hug I could and kissed her forehead.

"I'm so sorry Kit Kat to make you feel that way... Forgive me???" She looked up with those beautiful eyes and nodded. "You know you're my mutha from anotha!!!!" We just started cracking up. I was happy that Kirstie was cheering up.

"How's Scott holding up?" Rubbing the top of my hand.

"Not well... Even though he's putting a good front up for everyone else, he's hurting really bad... The only thing I can do is just be there for him."

"I can see the love he has for you and you for him. It's beautiful... I hope I can find someone like that one day..." I ran my hand through her hair and hummed in response.

"You will and he will be amazing... Plus, he if doesn't treat you right... Kevin, Avi and Scott can just rip him apart..."

"THAT. WOULD. BE. SO. COOL.... I'm wondering if I can get them to do that to a few exes of mine..."

"Well stand in line honey... My list is longer than yours..." We both chuckled as we finally settled in to watch "The Lego Movie"...


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