Chapter 26

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I rubbed my hand over belly singing and cooing to my little ones. I'm starting to show but Scott thinks I'm putting on weight and think it's the cutest ever. Jeremy said I need to tell him something soon because I'm going to be bigger as if I'm five months pregnant instead of one. I need to tell him but I'm worried about the outcome. I know Scott loves me and will lay his life on the line for me, but I'm so scared of losing him. He is my life. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear him come into our bedroom. When he wrapped his arms around me, I jumped out of my skin.

"Shit Scott!!! You scared the hell out of me!!!"

"I'm sorry love... I thought you heard me come in... What's on your mind?"

"Why would you ask that?"

"You looked deep in thought... I was standing there calling your name..."

"I was thinking how much I love you and trying to imagine what my life would've been life without you..." Scott placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I know I would be miserable and die slowly..."

"Stop exaggerating..."

"I'm not... If we do not find our mates, we slowly go through a dying process. It's a horrible way to go." I just hummed at his response.

"Have you considered my offer??" Scott, Avi and Kevin were going to resume their tour and asked me to come. Jeremy strongly advised not going seeing that I would need to come in for my check ups and not to mention it may cause stress on the babies from the constant traveling.

"I think it's best for me to stay here..."

"What's going on with you?"

"Nothing... Why do you ask?"

"Mitch, there's something you're not telling me. Something is going on with you. Your scent has changed... Why can't you talk to me?" I stood there with a blank expression. Scott stared at me intently with those piercing blue eyes that I love to get lost in.

"It's probably that new medication Jeremy gave me when I was sick. It probably hasn't run its course out of my system." I looked at him but I can see the disappointment in his eyes.

"Fine, don't fucking tell me!!!!"


"No... You know I would do nothing to hurt you. I don't understand why you're not talking to me..." I tried to reach for his hand but he pulled away.

"I'm going to rehearsal... I'll see you later I guess..." And with that, he slammed the door and walked out.

I walked over to the bed and climbed in. I grabbed his pillow and inhaled his scent as I cried myself to sleep.
"Hello father..."

"You reek of sex... So you've become like your slut mother..."

"Father... Please..." Tears started to well up in Katrina's eyes.

"Stop your blubbering you insipid brat! Have you completed your task?" Katrina cast her eyes the floor.

"Once again, you have failed me... How many times do you think I'm going to allow this?"

"Father, I haven't been able to locate him..."

"Why are you lying to me?"

"Father I'm not!! They removed him from the hospital where he was staying in to a secret location..." Her eyes continued to stay focused on the floor. Zayn studied his daughter carefully. He knew she was lying but he has bigger fish to fry.

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