Chapter 22

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I found myself in a cold dark cell with my hands in chains hanging from the ceiling and my feet were chained to the floor. My body was aching and splattered with bruises and dried blood. My right eye was closed and I can barely see through my left. My babies were moving at an alarming rate. I started singing to them a lullaby that my mom used to sing to me.

"Sleep, baby, sleep

Your father tends the sheep

Your mother shakes the dreamland tree

And from it fall sweet dreams for thee

Sleep, baby, sleep

Sleep, baby, sleep

Sleep, baby, sleep

Our cottage vale is deep

The little lamb is on the green

With snowy fleece so soft and clean

Sleep, baby, sleep

Sleep, baby, sleep"

Tears poured from my eyes as I couldn't comfort them with my hands. I hear footsteps and the door finally opening.

"Ah, I see that our guest has finally awakened... That was a beautiful song by the way..."

"GET AWAY FROM YOU SICK BASTARD!!!" I managed to spit in his face. He slapped me so hard that I tasted the metallic liquid dripping from my lips.

"Is that anyway to treat your host??? My feelings are hurt..." Zayn places his hand over his heart feigning hurt.

"Please... Don't hurt my babies... I'm begging you please..." I whispered out. I felt his hot breath against my skin. "Why??? His father took away what was rightfully mine and now it's my turn to return the favor..." I felt his hand run along my cheek.

"Don't touch me..." I cried out.

"You're very beautiful... I see why Scott fell in love with you..." I felt his lips on my neck and his hand started to go under my shirt. I started crying uncontrollably as the unfamiliar hands started to explore my body.

He placed his hand tightly around my neck. "Don't fight me or I will make you suffer severely for this..." He whispered as he nibbled my ear.



I started to thrash about knowing that it was a useless feat. "Please God let me die now..." I just closed my eyes as I felt my pants fall to the floor and felt Zayn's c0ck rub against my entrance.

"I'm about to show what true lovemaking is..." All of a sudden, the door shatters into a million pieces...

"Zayn, get away from Mitch NOW!!!" Scott snarled. I heard bones cracking and through the one eye that I can see with, seeing Scott in his hybrid form saliva dripping from his mouth. Avi, Kevin in their werewolf forms and Alexander's fangs protruding surrounded the room.

"So glad that you can finally join us Scott..." Zayn mocked as he pulled his pants. Scott looked at me with horrified eyes.

"Mitch???" Scott's voice quivering... I shook my head no and he finally let go of the breath he was holding. Zayn just smirked and then turned his attention to Alexander.

"Alexander, how's Joey???" Alexander was about to charge but Scott stopped him.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM ZAYN!!!" Scott growled.

"WATCH that tone with me boy or the mom-to-be is DEAD!!!" Scott along with Avi and Kevin had a baffled look on their faces.

"You didn't know??? Keeping secrets from each other??? Tsk... Tsk... They say communication is the most vital part of any relationship... Without that... Your relationship is nothing..." Zayn sneered.

Scott looked at me with such sadness. I mouthed "I'm sorry" to him as he stood there in disbelief.

Zayn snatched my head back causing me to scream in agonizing pain as the knife was jabbed into my cheek.

He started charging towards Zayn but stopped suddenly...

Zayn had the knife to my belly... I was squirming but he held me in place.

Scott whimpered as he watched Zayn move the knife back and forth my belly with each cut getting deeper. Hot tears are falling down my face. I started screaming as I felt the knife cutting deeper into my skin.

"ZAYN, PLEASE LET GO OF MITCH!!!" Scott yelling at the top of his lungs and tears streaming down his face.

"No..." He simply stated. "I'm going to teach you what pain and suffering truly means!!!" I saw the knife rising and plunged into my stomach.


I woke up to Scott's screaming at me to wake up. I looked at him with bewildering eyes trying to get a bearing on my surroundings. He wiped the sweat that was pouring down my entire body.

"Baby, are you all right??? I've been trying to wake you up for the past two minutes."

I just lunged for him and held him like a vice grip. Scott whispered loving words into my ears to calm me down. He moved to a more comfortable position so I can lie between his legs.

"Do you want to talk about it???"

"No..." He just pulled me closer into him and ran his fingers through my hair. I instinctively laid my hand on my stomach and start rubbing my belly.

"What did Jeremy say?" I tensed up. "Everything ok???

"Yeah... He said I have some type of new strain of the flu. That's why it's taking me so long to get well..." I felt him nod his head.

I don't know why I couldn't tell Scott about the babies. I have to tell him as soon as possible.

He started humming while running his fingers up and down my back. I slowly felt myself nod off back to sleep.




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